Description | Box 18 c) "Sundry plans", Birkenhead and district mainly re railways and docks c1813-1875; Copy will of Robert Charles de Grey Vyner 1915; Mortgage of Bidston Hill estate 1897; Bidston tithe commutation papers 1831-1838; Papers re Vyner v Upshon, Chester Court of Session 1820; Papers re Lady Alwyne Compton Vyner, dec'd 1954-1957
Box 18 a)(1) Plan of Vyner estate in Bidston c1930; Settlement of Bidston estate 1827 Box 18 a)(2) Wallasey Embankment Bill Parliamentary proceedings 1894; Bidston estate particulars 1886 Tranmere Docks Act 1863 and Mersey Docks and Harbour Board Acts papers 1863-1867; Papers re prosecution of Gethin and others for arson at Bidston Hill 1868 R C de Grey Vyner, dec'd, share certificates 1915 Box 18 a)(3) Family settlements etc 1867-1906; R A Vyner, dec'd, probate and related papers 1870-1906; Bidston Hill estate duplicate conveyances 1888-1943[Note: this bundle was not in the box 12/8/2005; it is probable that they were integrated into the main series of Bidston duplicate conveyances: see 18d) below]; Papers re McPherson v Lloyd for assault: concerns Wallasey Bridge 1884; West Cheshire Water Company papers 1884; Correspondence re Hoylake Railway 1866-1870; Plan of proposed Birkenhead and Liverpool Railways 1865; Correspondence re stocks and shares 1866-1870 Box 18 a)(4) Docks and railways acts, bills and related papers 1844-1887; Bidston Toll House conveyance 1884
Box 18 d) Duplicate/copy conveyances of parts of Vyner estate in Bidston, arranged in alphabetical order of purchaser:- d)(1) A - C 1888-1943; d)(1) D - P 1891-1931; d)(2) R - W 1891-1934; Duplicate/copy conveyances of parts of Vyner estate in Wallasey, arranged as above d)(2) A - J 1895-1930; d)(3) L - W 1900-1947 d)(2) Duplicate conveyances Moreton (1 deed) 1905, Poulton cum Seacombe (2 deeds), 1891,1900 d)(2) File of copy/duplicate agreements re roads, sewers, shares etc with Birkenhead and Claughton Gas and Water Co, 1857, Birkenhead Improvement Commissioners, 1867, Birkenhead Corporation, 1893-1950, Cheshire County Council, 1923, Liverpool Corporation, 1830-1856, Wallasey Local Board, UDC and CB, 1886-1938, Wirral Highway Board, 1881, 1887, Wirral Railway Co, 1883-1886, and miscellaneous including design for canals, wharves etc at Bidston Marsh 19thC-1950; Papers re exchange of land at Kingsway, Wallasey 1909; Papers re mortgage of part of Bidston estate 1896-1920; Papers re mortgage of property at Moreton 1904; Fender Valley Drainage Bill papers 1895; Bidston estate abstract of title post 1883
Box 18 d)(3) Papers re sales of property at Saughall Massie 1932-1963; Conveyances etc to Hoylake and Birkenhead Railway and Tramway Co 1872-1878; Bidston Hill estate copy vesting deed with plan and schedule 1926; Copy title of R C de Grey Vyner to Bidston Hill estate [1827]-1904; Agreements relating to Bidston Hill estate including roads, water mains, sewers, Wallasey Pool Bridge etc c1830-1939; Copy grant of lands in Bidston and Wallasey by Commissioners of Woods to Robert Vyner 1830; Papers re laying of roads, sewers and water mains on Bidston hill estate 1885-1887; Notes, certificates etc re Vyner genealogy c1882; Saughall Massie estate particulars 1887; Mortgages of estates at Saughall Massie and Moreton 1887-1919; Orders re suit in Chancery, Vyner v Hoylake Railway Co 1870; Appointment by R C de Grey Vyner of 2 members of the Wallasey Cottage Hospital Committee of Management 1886 Box 18 f) (1) Papers re Wallasey Pool Bridge c1830-1891; Manor of Bidston presentments etc c1855-1885; Bidston estate particulars (1 volume) 1835; Sale particulars of building land etc in Birkenhead, Wallasey, West Kirby, Moreton, Liscard, Poulton-cum-Seacombe and Great and Little Sutton 1855-1892; Agreements for sale of pieces of Vyner estate in Moreton, Saughall Massie, Clatterbridge etc 1880-1894; "Bidston Hill preserved" 1894; Papers re exchanges of lands in Moreton (1830), Birkenhead (1846), Wallasey (1888) 1830-1888; Papers er erection of wharf walls at Wallasey 1888; Particulars of Robert Vyner's estate in Chester 1826; Wallasey enclosure award extract 1884; Papers re development of docks at Wallasey 1830-1860; Papers re dispute with Wallasey UDC re lighting in Claremont Road 1894
Box 18 f) (2) Answer of Robert Clayton, kt, def, re bill of complaint of Thomas Vyner re purchase of Manor of Bidston by Robert Vyner 1705; Papers re exchange of lands and construction of railway etc at Birkenhead Docks, Vyner and Sir J Bailey 1850-1857; Papers re release of interests in lighthouse and navigation marks at Bidston 1830; Sale particulars of property in Liscard and Childer Thornton 1855,1884; Papers re burning of plantation at Bidston Hill 1874-1875; Papers re common recovery of Bidston estate c1827; Papers re agreement with Mersey Docks and Harbour Board 1856; Sale particulars of lands in Moreton 1834; Bidston New Drain draft agreement 1849; Bidston Hill notice re damage c1870; Manor of Wallasey appointment of gamekeeper 1825; Papers re debts etc 1830-1837; Tenancy agreement, Wallasey, and related papers 1860-1870; Newspapers 1875 Box 18 h) (1) Manor of Bidston court rolls, presentments etc 1713,1829-1864; Manor of Upton with its members court rolls 1829,1832; Witham House Farm, Moreton, deeds 1868-1914; Property off Claremont Road, Wallasey, deeds 1811-1899; Lands in Wallasey deeds 1807-1858 Box 18 h) (2) Wallasey, Moreton and Bidston counterpart leases 1718-1815; The Mosslands, Wallasey, deeds 1836-1883; Fields in Wallasey deeds 1853; Field in Wallasey deeds 1847-1870; Rye Field Wallasey deeds 1855-1860; Premises in Wallasey deeds 1890-1914
Box 18 h) (3) Wirral Railway Co agreements for advances on shares to Robert Vyner 1891-1903; Wallasey miscellaneous deeds and conveyances 1836-1858; Abstract of Vyner leases in Bidston 1889; Thingwall miscellaneous deeds 1910; Heron Cottage and Lanefoot Hey, Saughall Massie, deeds 1909-1911; Thomas Wharton of Bidston, bankrupt: papers inc probate of John Wharton,1805, 1805-1831; Inclosure Commissioners' orders for exchanges of land in Poulton-cum-Seacombe and Childer Thornton 1858-1888; Liscard, Poulton-cum-Seacombe miscellaneous deeds (3) 1893-1915; Grant of watercourse across Bidston Marsh to Birkenhead Dock Trustees 1849; Tenancy agreements, Bidston (5) 1845-1884; Lands in Moreton deeds; Vyner title deeds draft list c1835-1936; Deeds re Thomas Gleave's Charity, Saughall Massie 1646-1875; Bidston Poor Money documents 1835-1875; Bidston highway diversion order 1892 Vyner v Upshon writ 182-
Box 18 i) Copy conveyances by Vyner family (with index to conveyances 1827-1893) 1881-1887, 1 volume c1890; Bidston Hill estate agreements re roads, sewers etc, with plan 1885-1887; Vyner and Preston v Wallasey Local Board re lighting of a road in Wallasey 1894; Wirral Railway Co copy agreements 1 volume; RCG Vyner copy conveyances of land in Wallasey 1 volume 1864-1904; RCG Vyner copy conveyances of lands in Bidston 1 volume 1827-1898; Copy agreements etc re property in Wallasey 1 volume 1817-1907; Copy agreements etc re property in Bidston 1 volume 1830-1902; Bidston Hill sale agreement [incomplete] nd; Bidston estate tenancies book c1901; RC deG Vyner dec'd: list of objects exempted from duty until sale c1920; Lady Alwyne Compton Vyner Bidston, Newby, Gautby and Fairfield estate accounts c1920; Lady Alwyne Compton Vyner: papers re her death Vyner estates: Lincolnshire and elsewhere
Box 18 g) (1) Lincolnshire estates sale particulars, abstracts of title plans, accounts, photographs etc 1918-1921; Plans of Gautby estate (OS) post 1907; Plans of Withern estate (OS) post 1907; Plans of Bardney, Southrey etc (OS) post 1907; Plan of Vyner estate in Bardney 1868; Land tax redemption contracts 1874
Box 18 g) (2)Lincolnshire estates: Papers re drainage rates c1889-1920; Estate valuations etc c1919; Memorandum re Baumer tithes 1850 Tenancy agreements c1911-1916
Box 18 i) Sale particulars and plans of Gautby estate 1919; Withern estate reference book c1920; Gautby estate accounts rentals etc 1914-1920; Newby Hall (Yorkshire): papers re contents inc valuations of articles accepted by Treasury in lieu of estate duty, inventories of silver etc, abstract of title c1915-1923 |
Administrative History | The Vyner family is of Gloucestershire origin. The Manor of Bidston was bought by Sir Robert Vyner (1631-1688) in the latter part of the 17th century but the estate was never one of the principal seats of the family. Robert Vyner (c1685-1777) purchased the Gautby estate in Lincolnshire. His great grandson Henry Vyner (1805-1861) acquired the Newby Hall estate in the West Riding of Yorkshire through his marriage to Lady Mary Robinson (d1892) daughter of Thomas Robinson 1st Earl de Grey. The family's connections were strengthened and extended by the marriages of their daughters: Henrietta married George 1st Marquess of Ripon and a cousin of her mother, while Theodosia married Charles 3rd Marquess of Northampton. Henry Frederick Clare Vyner succeeded his father Henry in 1861 and his uncle Robert Vyner of Gautby in 1872. In the return of landowners in 1873, Henry F C Vyner owned 10620 acres in Lincolnshire (estimated rental £11115); the executors of Robert Vyner owned 3223 acres in Cheshire (estimated rental £5300) and 3893 acres in Lincolnshire (estimated rental £5437); and Lady Mary Vyner owned 2205 acres in Yorkshire (estimated rental £3800). On Henry F.C.Vyner's death in 1883 he was succeeded by his brother Robert Charles de Grey Vyner (1842-1915); the Newby estate also passed to him on his mother's death in 1892. He left 2 daughters: Mary, the elder, married Lord Alwyne Compton (1855-1911), a nephew of Charles 3rd Marquess of Northampton. They had 2 sons: Edward Compton, who inherited the Newby estate; and Clare George, who assumed the name Vyner in 1912 and purchased the Studley Royal estate on the death of his cousin, the 2nd Marquess of Ripon in 1923. Records relating to the Newby and Studley Royal estates have been transferred to the West Yorkshire Archive Service in Leeds; those relating to the Lincolnshire estates have been transferred to the Lincolnshire Archive Service. The Bidston estate include land in the townships of Bidston, Ford, Saughall Massie, Upton, Moreton, West Kirby, Wallasey, Poulton cum Seacombe, Liscard, Childer Thornton, and Birkenhead. The main development of the estate took place after H.F.C.Vyner succeeded to it in 1861. He and his brother were then deeply involved in major undertakings such as the development of railways and Birkenhead docks and the Wallasey Embankment. Most of the estate around Bidston Hill was laid out for residential development and sold off in small plots c1890-1930. |