RepositoryCheshire Record Office
TitleArticles of Agreement
Date30 Jan 1698/9
DescriptionARTICLES OF AGREEMENT between Hugh, Viscount Cholmondeley, and Joseph Sudlow of Bickley, yeoman, for the Lease of a messuage or tenement in BICKLEY late in tenure of Charles Fletcher, gentleman., for 7 years from 2. Feb. next ensuing, with its lands, etc., with 1 parcel of land called the wood peace and 2 more called the moores, at rent of £80. p.a. Seal: Papered, armorial. Signed: 'Joseph Sudlow'. FOOTNOTE: 'The bargaine with Joseph Sudlow continued for 3 years from Ffebr 2d 1709 for the grounds now in his holding vizt: The house and outhousing as in the 6th article, the orchard & old Hopyard, & bowling green, The douehouse field & bench field mill field, Higher broadfield, lower broadfield, The 5 Days Matth & 3 days math, stable meadow, green croft, croft aboue the house, wood field, The woods, the Moore. Rent to be £70 .....' Paper.
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