RepositoryCheshire Record Office
Date22 Jun 1637
DescriptionLEASE for 2 lives by Robert, Viscount Cholmondeley of Cholmondeley, Bart., Viscount Cholmondeley of Kells in Ireland, to Dame Margarett Stanhope, widow of John Lord Stanhope late Baron of Harrington in Northants, and Sir Thomas Smyth of Hatherton, Knt., for their lives IN TRUST for Dame Katherine Cholmondeley wife of the said Robert, Viscount Cholmondeley, in consideration of £20 received from Dame Margarett and Sir Thomas ----- one messuage or tenement in BICKLEY with its lands, etc. and appurtenances, in tenure of Thomas Sparrowe of Bickley, yeoman, one other messuage or tenement in BICKLEY with its lands, etc. and appurtenances, in tenure of David Bathoe of Bickley, tanner, one Tanhouse with appurtenances in BICKLEY in tenure of said D. Bathoe, and all the lands, rents and hereditaments which the sd. Viscount heretofore purchased from Edward Wright of Stretton, esq., one other messuage or tenement in LARTON alias LARKTON with its lands, etc. and appurtenances in the said Viscount's occupation, one other messuage or tenement in LARKTON alias LARKETON with its lands, etc. and appurtenances in tenure of Randle Wilkinson, all those 2 closes with appurtenances in Larketon called the Deanes in tenure of Henrie Aldersey of Bickerton, gentleman, one messuage in Shocklach Ovyatt with its lands, etc. and appurtenances in tenure of Jane Sound, widow, all those 6 pastures in SHOCKLACH OVYATT [Shocklach Oviatt] and in WORTHENBURY, Co. Flint, called Kay Koyd, the crosse field, the Doll Voughan, the Kay maure, the old field and the Brory heay, in the occupation of the said Viscount ----- the said Dame Katherine to receive the rents of the above properties for her life. Provision for revocation. Seals: first missing; second, red, an ostrich, inscription illegible. No signatures. Parchment.
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