Title | Miscellaneous papers including copy opinion of Doctor Yale for reparation of Lymm Church, circa 1600; jury book for the assizes, 1670; copy of George Hick's protest about the Deanery of Worcester, 1691; the Bishop's objections to Rev. Asheton of Manchester, circa 1715; observations on the cheese scheme, circa 18th century; sheriffs account of Piers Conway for assize expenses, 1664; account of foreign currency and expenses in Europe, 1762-1763; Kings-rent account, 1760; rent account due to Philip Egerton 1763-1764; servants wages accounts, circa 18th century; John Chapman's accounts for work done at Oulton, 1824-1827; agreement for removing a mound at Broxton, 1871; newspaper cutting relating to improvement at River Dee navigation |