Administrative History | The Governance and Constitution Committee met from Jun 2008 until its decommissioning 27 May 2010. It was responsible for: Overseeing, monitoring, co-ordinating and implementing the Council’s administrative and political business, including electoral matters; administrative boundaries; support for and facilities for Members, including Members’ learning and development and party groups for the purpose of their duties as councillors; and administrative arrangements for and the conduct of the Council and other meetings; Determining policies and conventions in relation to the political management of the Council, including statutory requirements concerning political balance and rights to information; Reviewing the Council’s Constitution and recommending any changes to the Council; Advising the Council on, and overseeing the promotion of private legislation on behalf of the Council; Recommending to the Council, as appropriate, the appointment of Members to Committees and Sub-Committees (including any co-opted members other than in respect of Scrutiny Committees); Appointing representatives to serve on outside bodies and organisations (including education bodies and establishments) not falling to the Cabinet to appoint; Overseeing and monitoring the Members’ Allowance budget, including pensions, and keeping under review the scheme for the payment of allowances to Members through the appointment of an Independent Remuneration Panel to advise Council on the adoption or the scheme and on any proposed amendments; Approving annual conference and seminar attendance; Recommending to the Council any issues relating to the Honorary Aldermen
Approving reasons for absence for Members; Approving the overall seating plan for Council meetings; Overseeing and agreeing the arrangements for Members to be indemnified for and insured against risks and liabilities arising from the performance of their duties as Members of the Council, and as the Council’s representatives on outside bodies. Overseeing the Council's role and responsibilities in respect of Corporate Governance; Developing a Code of Corporate Governance and to undertake as appropriate an assessment of wider governance issues; Supporting the Council's audit function, both internal and external; Ensuring the Council has in place appropriate policies and mechanisms to safeguard the Council's resources; Supporting the Chief Financial Officer in relation to the performance of their duties; Approving any Council Statement of Accounts as may be required by the relevant Account and Audit Regulations; Ensuring any Council's Risk Management process is operating effectively.; Undertaking work, and making recommendations, upon the Council’s political management structure; Receiving the Annual Audit Report; Monitoring performance against the Audit Plan;
Reviewing and making recommendations upon the Statement of Internal Control. |