RepositoryCheshire Record Office
ReferenceP 51/8/57
TitleLease for 99 years
Date28 Jan 1756
Description1) Roger Comberbach of Chester, esq., nephew and heir of James Comberbach as in P51/8/56, deceased 2) John Bithell and Michael Bromley, churchwardens, 3 John Orange of Chester, linnendraper. Land on the north side of the church extending in length from the church porch to the pillar which divides the church and chancel, in breadth from the church to the messuage belonging to 3 called the Weavers Meeting House, right of entry for repair of any part of church adjoining premises and right of carrying on premises materials necessary for such repair reserved to churchwardens or anyone employed by them. Consideration: agreement at parish meeting 2 Jan 1756 to lease land to 3 with liberty to enclose it and erect any building not intercepting the light or doing damage to the church; 5s. paid by 3 to 1 and 2. Rent: 6d. Recites conveyance P51/8/56, 8, 9 Nov 1726, by which premises were conveyed to Thomas Wilson and James Comberbach in trust for the use of the parishioners; that the messuage was pulled down, the materials disposed of for the benefit of the parishioners, and the land now lies open. Wit: Elizabeth Bethell, Jos. Wright, W. Fairclough
Extent1 item
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