Description | Relative to the Rating and Valuation Act, 1925. a 26/4/27 Case for the opinion of Counsel Mr. R.M. Montgomery, K.C. b Draft form of Resolution of Council: 'Poor Rate Settled R.M. Montgomery 27. 4. 27.' c Draft form of Rate. 'Settled R.M. Montgomery 27.4.27.' d Draft form of Notice of Rate 'Settled R. M. Montgomery 27.4.27.' e Draft form of Demand Note. 'Settled R.M. Montgomery 27.4.27.' f Draft form of Receipt. Settled as above. 'Cancelled R.M.M. 2.5.27.' g Draft Resolution under Section 36 of the Rating and Valuation Act, 1925, giving to Chief Rating Officer power to Institute legal proceedings. 'Settled R.M. Montgomery 2.5.27.' h Copy of Minutes of Council of 11th June 1883, making Improvement and Lamp Rates. i Printed Copy of Minutes of Council approving issue of precepts. 1926. j 'Copy. Precepts served on Overseers of the Poor from 1885 to 1926.' Four printed precepts, 19--- to 192--, for Borough Rate, Watch Rate, Damp Rate, improvement Rate. k Copy extract showing the form of assessment for the Combined Poor Rate made 7th May 1926. l Copy Demand Note for Rate made 2nd Nov. 1925 and Receipt. m Copy Demand Note for Rates in 1926. n Copy Precept received by the Council from the Guardians of Chester Poor-Law Union, March 1927. o Estimates of Rating Committee; year ending 31 March 1928. p Draft Minutes of a special Council meeting held -- May 1927, re Rates. q Draft form of Receipt for payment of rates |