Description | Rex v. Mather Recorder of Chester. Records of the case at Westminster when Mather was charged with unjustly whipping a young woman. a 12th February 7 George.II 1734 Writ 'By the Court' 'Birrow' for the case to be heard in the County Palatine b Trinity Term 6 & 7 George.II. Information in the said case attached to the writ. Parchment. c Copy of the Issue as in b above d Draft Affidavit of Mary Macdondle 'of the city of Chester spinster. e Draft Affidavit of Thomas Bulkeley of the city of Chester, gardener. f Draft Affidavit of Mary Hughes, wife of William Hughes of the city of Chester, brickmaker. g Draft Affidavit of Thomas Evans, the city of Chester, brickmaker. h Draft Affidavit of Elizabeth: Evans, wife of Thomas Evans of the city of Chester, brickmaker. i 22nd May 1733. Copy of the information with a covering letter from Nicho. Kent from Clifford's Inn, to Mr. Hall Attorney at Chester |