RepositoryCheshire Record Office
TitleHenry Hardware, Mayor
Descriptionff.1-124 Henry Hardware, Mayor. f.1. Cover (parchment). Labelled '1600. 42 QE'. f.2. Note that Thomas Dalby entered never a freeman's name in this Mayor's book during the time he served under the Clerk of the Pentice or before. ff.2v.,3v., blank. f.3. The name of those who have the keys of the treasure house and chests therein. f.4r.,v. List of officers (Mayor, Sheriffs, Treasurers, Leavelookers, Swordbearer, Serjeant of the Peace, Serjeants at Mace (4), Sheriffs' officers (4), Aldermen and Justices of the Peace, Aldermen, and [Sheriffs Peers]). f.5. Names of the forty of the Common Council. f.5v. List of names of the butchers. Aldermen: Godfrey Wynn, Thomas Holbruck Stewards: Thomas Fisher, Richard Barrow Oath of the butchers. f.6. List of names of the bakers. Alderman: William Kinge the elder Stewards: Hugh Crompe, William Modesley Oath of the bakers. f.6v. List of names of the Constables. ff.7-18,22-25, 27,28v.,31v.,33r.,v.,39r.,v.,41v.,43v.,45v.,47v.,49v.,53v.,57v.,60v.,61r.,v. blank. ff.19-20v. Pleas of the Court of Portmote, 17th Dec., 42 Elizabeth [1599] Notes of persons bound over to keep the peace and to appear. f.21r.,v. Pleas of the Court of Portmote, 7th Jan., 42 Elizabeth [1600] f.26r.,v. Pleas of the Court of Portmote, 4th Feb., 42 Elizabeth [1600] f.28. Pleas of the Court of Portmote, 18th Feb., 42 Elizabeth [1600] f.29r.,v. Pleas of the Court of Portmote, 3rd March, 42 Elizabeth [1600] f.29v. a plea of land (recovery) Thomas Fletcher Alderman, and Edward Younge, shoemaker v. Thomas Tomlinson. 1 messuage and 1 ac. land in Goslane. ff.30-31. Pleas of the Court of Portmote, 17th March, 42 Elizabeth [1600] f.31. a plea of land (recovery) Richard Tyrer and Richard Fletcher v. John Tyrer. 2 messuages, 4 cottages, 2 gardens and 1 garden plot in Bridgestreete and in Shiplane. f.32r.,v. Pleas of the Court of Portmote, 31st March, 1600. f.32r. 3rd April, 1600. Recognizance taken before Mayor. Robert Totty of Chester, sailor, and Thomas Selly of Abersham, Devon, acknowledged that they owed the Queen £20. Condition: that Thomas Smith, who is pressed to serve in Her Majesty's service to Knockvergus in a barque called the William of Northam, shall serve in the said barque the said voyage. ff.34-43. Pleas of the Court of Portmote, 14th April - 16th June, 1600. ff. 44-45. Pleas of the Court of Portmote, 30th June, 42 Elizabeth [1600] f.44v. Order in a plaint of ejection firme in Portmote. f.45. Plea of land (recovery) - Robert Whitbie and Richard Werden, gents., by William Hockenhull, their attorney, v. Anne Leeche, widow, 14 messuages, 15 gardens, 1 orchard and 8 ac. land in Chester. ff.46-47. Pleas of the Court of Portmote, 14th July, 1600. ff.48-49. Pleas of the Court of Portmote, 28th July, 1600. f.49. Plea of land (recovery) - William Throppe and William Denwall v. Thomas Woodes. 1 messuage, 1 garden, 1 orchard and 1 ac. land in Watergate streete. ff.50-53. Pleas of the Court of Portmote, 11th Aug., 1600. ff.54-57. Pleas of the Court of Portmote, 25th Aug., 1600. f.56. Copy of bond. 3rd. Sept., 42 Elizabeth [1600] Patrick Foord of the City of Dublin, merchant, and Alexander Cappocke of the same, merchant, bound to the Queen in £50 for the appearance of the said Foord before Lord Mountioye, Lord Deputy of Ireland, within one day after his arrival in Dublin, to answer matters objected against him. Alexander Cappocke also bound in the like bond with Foord as his surety. f.56v. Order by Mayor and Recorder for stay of suit. f.57. Plea of land (recovery). Nicholas Massey and William Throppe v. Henry Hamnet. 1 messuage and ½ acre of land in Bridgestreete; 8 stables, 8 gardens and 2 ac. land in Wolf lane. f.58r.,v. Pleas of the Court of Portmote, 8th Sept.,1600. ff.59-60. Pleas of the Court of Portmote, 22nd Sept.,1600. f.60. 2nd Oct.,1600. Order by Henry Hardware, Mayor, and William Aldersey, Aldermen, in dispute between Richard Woodcocke, Crier, and Jasper Gillam, Yeoman of the Pentice. So long as Gillam should continue in his office of keeping the conduit, he was to have the setting and letting of the stalls at the conduit and yearly take to his own use the rent and profit thereof. In consideration whereof, he was to keep clean the street against the conduit unto the channel, and was yearly at the feast of St. John Baptist and St. Michael to pay to Richard Woodcock 8s. yearly rent. ff.62-64v. Pleas of the Court of Portmote, 6th Oct.,1600. ff.65-67v. Sessions of the Peace, held before Henry Hardware, Mayor, Richard Birkhened, esq., Recorder, Thomas Grene, Richard Bavand, Valentine Broughton, John Fiton, Fulk Aldersey, William Aldersey, Thomas Fletcher, and Richard Rathburne, Aldermen and Justices of the Peace, 16th Nov., 41 Elizabeth [1599, and adjourned to 24th Nov. f.65 Inquest by John Aldersey, Alderman, Robert Amery, ironmonger, Ralph Allen, shoemaker, William Leicester, mercer, William Thropp, skinner, Peter Bennet, shoemaker Henry Annyon, junior, tanner, Richard Sponne, tanner, John Lea, merchant, Robert Bles, mercer, William Whittle, tanner, Thomas Bird, tanner, Ralph Finchet, sherman, Richard Fraunces, shoemaker, and Robert Symme, mercer. Affrays: Simon Smith and John Doodall on each other (6s.8d each); Rice Lewes, on Henry Milner (3s.4d); Edward Bayliff on Robert Wright (6s.8d); Ralph Allerton on John Robinson (6s.8d); John Bruerton Randle Kelso on Randle Buckley (3s.4d each); John Rogerson on Humfrey Yonge (6s.8d); John Rogerson and William Radford, on each other (6s.8d each); Randle Symons on Henry Hardware (6s.8d); [f.65v.] Randle Broster and Robert Curbisley on each other (6s.8d and 3s.4d respectively). Keeping pigs against ordinance: Edward Button (6s.8d); Robert Lawton (6s.8d); Richard Treneld (6s.8d); Widow Ashmore; Mr. John Ratcliff (to reform before the next Sessions); Ralph Modesley (to reform before the next Sessions); Laurence Warmingham (to reform before the next Sessions); Edward Bennet (6s.8d); Ellis Johnes (6s.8d); William Oscrofte (6s.8d); Widow Eaton (6s.8d); John Aston (6s.8d); Thomas Watkin (6s.8d); Ralph Sekerson (to reform before the next Sessions); Widow Wright (to reform before the next Sessions). 'Unlawful games' (Margin): Hugh Case and William Shurlock for playing at 'le footeball' in the time of divine preaching in the cemetery of St. Werburge (2s. each); James Smith for keeping unlawful games in his house (6s.8d); John Wade, for keeping in his house tables to play at 'le shofleboord'; and for selling ale and not keeping the assize (6s.8d). Thomas Annyon and Laurence Warmingham, Constables, for selling ale and not keeping the assize and because they have not presented a sufficient bill (6s.8d each). Arthur Chauntrell and Robert Warton for presenting insufficient bills not naming any offences (20d. each). Breaking the assize of ale. The following each fined 3s.4d.: Arthur Bennet, Richard Cally, Edward Button, John Smith, William Maninge, Henry Bennet, James Smith, Widow Harrison, John Milner, Peter Wignall, Ralph Penny, Mr. Wright, Robert Basford, James Broster, f.66 Richard Button, Hamo Moores, William Alcock, Richard Clark, John Eaton, John Williamson, Randle Jewet, Henry Crosby, Widow Fisher, Mrs. Syse, Mr. Wynne, Ralph Sekerson, Anthony Warmingham, Mr. John Williams, John Battriche, William Birde, Humphrey Dale, Henry Phillips, Humphrey Ellis, John Powell, Widow Horton, Widow Hockenhull, Edward Smith, Richard Cowley, Richard Foxley, Richard Haselwall, Edward Johnson alias Currier, Widow Cornes, Randle Bingley, John Walshe, Widow Wood, William Gitten, Widow White, George Comes, Robert Smith, Richard Smith, Widow Coventrie, Richard Greves, Thomas Morgan, William Lowe, Thomas Watkin, John Ashton, William f.66v. Hutchens, Widow Cowper, John Johnson, Randle Ince, Richard Sale, John Deane, John Rogerson, Ralph Modesley, Widow Asmore, Thomas Frances, John Kinge, Thomas Ince, John Seale, William Mercer, John Ingelfeld, Hugh Hyne, John Asbrooke, Robert Leeche, Roger Sydall, Thomas Johnson, Alice Mosse, widow, Thomas Fleeminge, Mr. Knee, Geoffrey Cooke, Widow Stole, John Allerton, John Bastewell, John Hitchens. For selling ale, not having been admitted [i.e. not licensed?] The following each fined 20s.: John Greene, Lewis Williams, Richard Partington, Richard Dodd, Simon Stockton, Robert Ince, William Johnes, William Basford, Henry Leynes, Widow Parker, Thomas Tilston, Thomas Looker, William Thomas, Thomas Fletcher, William Tayler, Anne Helin, William Colly, Elizabeth Browne, Thomas Rogerson, William Harvy, Anthony Enowes, William Plumb, (f.67) Richard Hamson, Mr. Nicholas Massy, Mr. Richard Bird, Edward Yong, Richard Stockton, William Coldock, Elena Kinsley, Dannold Callister, Ralph Cowper. For selling ale, not being freemen. The following each fined 20s.: John Sefton, Richard Dannold, John Clark, Robert Joysen(?) William Alcock for keeping a great quantity of faggots and gorse in his backside (6s.8d.) Richard Treneld, paver, for an encroachment in Croxe lane, and for another encroachment at the end of his house in Parsons lane, and because he keeps a dungpit there (10s. or reformation). John Johnes for stopping up the water-course which opens to the City Walls outside his close, and for inclosing a certain lane which was a highway to le Crofte at the said walls (6s.8d). Richard Broster, the younger, tanner, because there is a breach in the fence belonging to the garden of his dwelling-house in le Forgate street, to the injury of Hugh Jenkin, tanner (12d.) William Tayler for putting his cart in the highway to the injury of his neighbours. (12d.). Widow Busshell for maintaining a certain William Quayle and his wife and Thomas Darwall and his wife as inmates in her house (6s.8d.). Richard Treneld for maintaining one cottage in Trinitie lane in which Widow Johnes and two children, the wife of a certain Arthur and four children dwell (2s.). John Seale for a certain kiln in his backside being dangerous (to reform or 3s.4d.). John Burton because he maintains as an inmate a certain Alice Martiall, being pregnant (5s.). Widow Kettle for ill conduct in her house (3s.4d.). f. 67v. Henry Trafford for putting two loads of gorse near his furnace (2s.). Robert Ridley for a quarter of one load there (6d.). James Broster for putting three or four loads of gorse in his backside and timber [in] the street (6s.8d.). Edward Lle[wely]n als. Baugh, joiner, because he allowed his gutter to be ruinous, to the injury of Thomas Alcok (3s.4d. or to reform). The jury present the house of Thomas Smith, esq., in the occupation of Widow Clough, to be ruinous and dangerous to those who pass under it (to reform). The jury present a certain dung-pit near the Church of St. Olave (to reform). Signatures of Mayor and Justices. f.68r.,v. blank. ff.69-72. Sessions of the Peace, held before Henry Hardware, Mayor, Richard Birkenhead, esq., Recorder, Thomas Greene and William Aldersey, Aldermen and Justices of the Peace, 1st. Feb., 42 Elizabeth [1600] and adjourned until 7th Feb. following, then until 14th Feb., then until 18th Feb., then until 22nd Feb., then until 29th Feb., and then until 7th March. Inquest by Peter Newall, Alderman, Ralph Allen, shoemaker, Edward Bennett, shoemaker, John Halwood, tailor, John Sprowson, hatmaker, William Lyniall, tanner, Richard Richardson, draper, Randle Holme, painter, William Allen, pewterer, David Allen, shoemaker, Thomas Walshe, cowper, Robert Leene, tailor, John Milner, tailor, John Seale, tailor, and William Steevenson, joiner. Affrays: Thomas Tilston and Paul Johnson on each other (6s.8d.each); Hugh Williams and Thomas Longley on each other (6s.8d. and 3s.4d. respectively); Ralph Johnson and Randle Mann on each other (6s.8d. and 3s.4d.); Edward Rowlandes on Henry Gueste (6s.8d); Hector Mawdesley on Richard Lambe (6s.8d.); 69v. Robert Dodd on Howell ap John ap Ellis (6s.8d.); Howell ap John ap Ellis on Cecily Evans (6s.8d.); John Johnes, gentleman, on Randle Povae (3s.4d.); John Granwall on William Carden (6s.8d.); Ralph [ ]gyker(?) on Edward Hughson (6s.8d.); Henry Gunner on William Foxe (6s.8d.); John Whick on Richard Maddocke (6s.8d.); William Clough and James Cottingham on each other (3s.4d. each); Robert Shawman and Roger Robinson on each other (6s.8d. and 3s.4d. respectively). Keeping pigs in backsides. The following each fined 6s.8d.: William Moscrofte, John Ashton, William Hutchins, Thomas Watkin, Elizabeth Eaton. For breaking the assize of ale. The following each fined 3s.4d.: James Broster, Thomas Ashmore, Thomas Morgan, Thomas Watkin, John Williamson, William Alcock, Henry Crosby, Ralph Seckerson, Anthony Warmincham, Elizabeth Fisher, widow, Richard Smith, James Ball, John Walshe, George Combes, Elena Warton, widow. f.70. Unlawful games: James Broster for keeping unlawful games and ill conduct in his house (10s.); Thomas Ashmore for the like (10s.); James Smith for the like (10s.). For selling ale not having been admitted (i.e. unlicensed?) The following each fined 20s.: William Coldocke, John Inglefeild, Thomas Dycus, John Johnson, Elizabeth Scott and Jane Sandy, Thomas Looker, John Williamson, John Eaton, Lewis Williams, Richard Partinton, Richard Dodd, Symon Stockton, Robert Ince, Henry Leene, Richard Clerke, Barker, widow, John Greene, tallow chandler, William Huntington, Thomas Johnson, marroner, William Wytten, Thomas Johnson, shoemaker, Geoffrey Wareton, Mosse, widow, Richard Knee, John Bastwell, Woodes, widow, Coventree, widow, White, widow, John Smarlowe, Corne, widow. Annoyances: The jury present le muckhill at Lovelane end. William Alcocke for putting timber in Cleaton Lane (12d.). William Taylor for putting his cart in the street to the harm of the neighbours (12d.). Godfrey Wynne for making a channel in the Eastegate-streete and stopping up the water-course in the said street (12d.). Thomas Burges for putting unwrought trees in Eastegate streete (dead). John Guest for the like (12d.). Richard Newall for the like (12d.). f.70v. Richard Sponne, Thomas Burges, John Fletcher and Ralph Smith, overseers of the work in Lovelane, for putting rubbish and dung at the end of the said lane (3s.4d.). Richard Rathbone, Alderman, for making a dung-pit in Cowlane (12d.). John Frauncis, John Tilston and Cowper, widow, for the like (12d. each). James Broster for putting his cart in Cowlane to the injury of the neighbours (12d.). Richard Annion for allowing the pavement in Cowlane to be broken (6d.). Edward Button for the like (6d.). William Bennett for laying dung and gorse in Cowlane (12d.). Richard Bennett for allowing the pavement in Cowlane to be broken (6d.). Nicholas Bennett for the like (6d.). Thomas Tarleton for the like (6d.). William Alcocke for the like in Fleshomongers lane (6d.). Roger Hurleston, gentleman, for laying unwrought trees in Bridge gatestreete (12d.). Rowland Barnes for the like (12d.). William Adames for putting his cart in Bridge gatestreete (12d.); and for putting dung in the said Street (6d.). Thomas Younge, gentleman, for allowing the steps(?) before the door of his house in the street to be broken (12d.). The wardens of the parish of St. Towloes for allowing a dung-pit adjoining the walls of the church (6d.). John Ratcliffe, Leavelooker, for laying gorse in le Rowe near St. Maryes Hill, thus stopping up the way (6d.). Robert ap Jivan for laying dung before the door of his house in Castle Lane (6d.). Thomas Wright, Lyniall, widow, Randle Whittby and Thomas Sutton for laying dung in the high way between le glovers stonne and Nonnes, thereby stopping up the way (each of them, 6d.). f.71. George Massey, esq., for allowing steps before the door of his house in Watergatestreete to be broken (12d.). Thomas Lynaker for the like (12d.). Rowland Barnes for laying unwrought trees in le water gatestreete (6d.). John Hood for laying timber and bells in le Rowe before his house in le Watergatestreete (6d.). Richard Lud[?] for laying le mucke in Trinity Lane (6d.). Thomas Revington for the like (6d.). Arthur Chauntrell for laying stones and rubbish in le Barne Lane, and putting his cart in the said lane, and for allowing a saw-pit to be dug in the said lane, and not filling it up (6d.). Gilbert Hauckes for not cleaning the lane before his house and orchard, and for laying muck in it (6d.). The following persons for the like (6d. each): Anne Wilkinson, Robert Davies, Matilda Garratt, Anne Yeardley, Robert Rogerson, Robert Bouth, George Johnson, Thomas Ashton, George Deane, Thomas Quayle, Richard Gibbone, Richard Deane, William Greene, Henry Shevington, John Lord, Richard Hale, Thomas Whitby, Thomas Smyth, Thomas Garratt, Thomas Tylston, widow Hylton, George Antrobus, Ralph Cowper. Richard Weaver for laying muck in le Watergatestreete (6d.). f.71v. Inmates: Hugh Lloyd for keeping three inmates in his dwelling house in le Bridgegatestreete (3s.). John Burton for keeping two inmates in his dwelling house in le St. Martins Ward (2s.). Forestallers: Margaret Phillipps for forestalling the market (5s.). Elena Akres for the like (5s.). Not franchised: John Sefton for selling ale not being enfranchised (20s.). Ill-conducted houses: John Fassaker for receiving and harbouring in his house divers men of bad conversation and suspected (5s.). Matthew Ellis, gentleman, for receiving and harbouring beggars in his house (12d.). Bridgett Cawkett for the like (12d.). The jury present Dee Lane to be foul. Incroachments: John Rattcliffe, Leavelooker, for encroaching on part of the street of Bridgegatestreete (12d.). John Johnes, gentleman, for the like in the lane called le Croftes, and for making le pitt in the same (12d.). Edward Ball, gentleman, for the like in the lane called le Crooxes lane (12d.). The jury present that le Causy in le Northgatestreete is not sufficiently repaired, but very broken. The jury present that the pavement which leads to Flookersbrooke is broken and not sufficiently repaired. Randle Eaton, Edward Wright and William Hockenhull, serjeants at mace, because they permitted the streets of the City to be foul, and did not cause them to be cleaned, and the Rows to be wasted [? - pared'] (each of them,12d.). John Pierson for receiving and harbouring in his house divers men of bad conversation and suspected (3s.4d) Christopher Conway and John Rattcliffe, Leavelookers, because they have not maintained 'le Chymes' of St. Peter's in sufficient repair, but have allowed them to be very ruinous. Margin: respited until the truth of the matter shall be examined. The same persons presented because they have not sent wine to the Aldermen, Sheriffs and the rest in the City accustomed to their allowance as they ought to have done and their predecessors did according to ancient custom in the City hitherto used and approved. Margin: respited until the truth of the matter shall be examined. The jury say on their oath that the fences belonging to the garden of the dwelling-house of William Taylor in le Fore gatestreete are not sufficiently repaired, to the injury of William Bird, innkeeper, and Richard Finchett (to reform before the Feast of St. John Baptist, or to pay 3s.4d.). f.72. The jury also say that a gutter in le Eastegatestreete on the right side of the entry of the dwelling-house of Edward Lle[welly]n alias Baughe is not sufficiently repaired but in great decay, so that by the default of the said Edward it rains into the house of Thomas Alcocke (to reform before the Feast of St. John Baptist, or to pay 3s.4d.). Signatures of Mayor and Justices (as in heading), plus those of Valentyn Broughton, Thomas Lynyall, Tho. Fletcher and 'R.R.'. 72v.,73v. blank f.73. Private Sessions of the Peace held before Henry Hardware, esq., Mayor, Richard Birkenhead, esq., Recorder, Edmund Gamull and William Aldersey, Aldermen and Justices of the Peace, Friday 11th April, 42 Elizabeth [1600]. Inquest by Nicholas Massey, draper, Henry Scaresbricke, joiner, Hugh Kenricke, joiner, Richard Vawes, tailor, John Sprowson, hatmaker, John Holker, glover, Thomas Edmondes, joiner, Thomas Ince, shoemaker, William Steeveson, joiner, James Sale, shoemaker, John Houghton, innkeeper, Ralph Dycus, weaver, Randle Whitby, sherman, Hugh Crompe, baker, and Randle Holmes, painter. John Vawdrey, late of Banckhall, co. Chester, gentleman, was seised in his demesne as of fee of a messuage or tenement with appurtenances called Parres Place in le Bridgestreete, and continued seised thereof until Richard Massey late of Grafton, co. Chester, gentleman, and other ill-doers by force of arms of 12th February last entered the messuage and unlawfully and by mainforce desseised and expelled Vawdrey, who remained excluded from that day to the date of the taking of this inquest, to the disturbance of the peace of the lord King and contrary to the statute of 8 Hen.VI. ff.74-76v. Sessions of the Peace held before Henry Hardware, esq., Mayor, Richard Birkenhead, esq., Recorder, Thomas Greene, Edmund Gamull, Thomas Lynyall, Fulk Aldersey, Thomas Fletcher and Richard Rathburne, Aldermen and Justices of the Peace, Friday, 30th May, 42 Elizabeth [1600], and adjourned until Friday 6th June and further until Tuesday 17th June. Inquest by Rowlande Barnes, mercer, Robert Fletcher, hatmaker, John Byrchenhed, shoemaker, William Mercer, tallowchandler, Richard Frannces, shoemaker, John Welshe, slater, John Inglefield, shoemaker, Thomas Holbruck, butcher, Thomas Johnson, shoemaker, Richard Bennet, shoemaker, Peter Jenkin, sherman, John Blanchet, baker, Lewis Jones, silk weaver, William Denwall, draper, Randle Ince, Richard Sale, tailor. Affrays: William La[ ] and Thomas Ryder, on each other (6s.8d. each); Anthony Enos and Henry, on each other (6s.8d. each); Ralph Vernon on John Seale (6s.8d.); Edward Bennet and John Birchenhed, on each other (6s.8d. each); Robert Pemberton on Richard Stockton (6s.8d.); John Whick on Peter Male (6s.8d.); Alexander Hughson on Thomas Blyth (6s.8d.); John Moulson on Edward Bennet (3s.4d.); James Broster on master Lloid on Horseback (?) (equitariu') (6s.8d.); 74v, the wife of Thomas Bickly and their daughter on William Guest (6s.8d.); Thomas Quirke and James Kelly on each other (Quirke, 6s.8d., Kelly, 3s.4d.); John Humfrey on John Kelly (6s.8d.); William Johnes and Richard Smith on each other (6s.8d.). Swinestys: Thomas Watkin for keeping pigs in his backside (6s.8d.). William Rattcliffe and Elizabeth his wife for the like (6s.8d.). Robert Symme for the like (6s.8d.). John Williamson, skinner, for the like (6s.8d.). For breaking the assize of ale or beer. The following each fined 3s.4d.: Thomas Morgan, Thomas Watkin, Ellena Lowe, widow, John Bettrich, John Powell, William Bird, Fulk Carter, Henry Phillipps, Humphrey Ellis, Jane Bennet, widow, Orton, Thomas Looker, Anthony Warmingham, Ralph Seckerson, Godfrey Wynne, John Williams del Hart, Elizabeth Fisher, widow, Henry Crosbye, Randle Juet, John Williamson, Katherine Mercer, widow, Lewis Williams, John Eaton, official, Richard Partington, Richard Dodd, Richard Clerke alias Anglefer, Symon Stockton, Ralph Tongue, William Hocknell, William Johnes, 75 Robert Ince, Henry Leene, Thomas Tilston, William Alcocke, James Broster, Peter Wignall, William Maddocke, James Ball, George Combes, Alice Wareton, Richard Ameson(?), William Hutchins. For selling beer not having been admitted (i.e. licenced). The following each fined 20s.: William Humfrey, John Lea, tallow-chandler, William Huntington, Thomas Johnson, mariner, William Wytten, Randle Adshead, John Pierson, Widow Cornes, John Sefton, Hugh Lloid, Robert Johnes, Margery Johnson, widow. Unlawful games. The following each fined 6s.8d.: Gruff Lawrens, for unlawful gaming with bowls (globis) against the form of the statute, William Edwardes, Randle Dycus, Randle Bingley, John Mollinge, William Thompson, John Dycus, Ellis Williams of Handbridge, Richard Barnes, John Wilkinson, Robert Comise. Gaming houses. James Smith for unlawfully keeping and maintaining for his own gain a common bowling alley and a common gaming house for playing with cards, pictis and dice (20s.). James Broster for keeping a gaming-house (6s.8d.). Thomas Ashmore for the like (6s.8d.). John Wade for the like (6s.8d.). For selling ale not having been admitted (i.e. licensed): Anne White, widow (20s.); Aline Coventree, widow (20s.); Anne Woodes, widow (20s.). (75v.) Inmates: Widow Massey for keeping an inmate and madman in her dwelling-house in St. Mary's Ward (6s.8d.). Widow Cowley for keeping an inmate in her dwelling house in St. Thomas's Ward (6s.8d.). Widow Carleil for the like in the said ward (6s.8d.). Richard Trenill for the like in Trinity Lane (6s.8d.). Harbourers of beggars: Edward Smith for receiving and harbouring beggars in his house (3s.4d.). 'Defect': Richard Thorneton, tanner, for not making his fence between William Taylor and himself (12d.) The jury present that there is a place in Northgate street at Dee Lane end, but do not know who ought to mend it. The jury present that the pavement in Cow Lane by the dwelling-house of Richard Button and in divers other places in that Lane is broken and ruinous, but by whose default, or who ought to repair it, they do not know. The jury present that the bridge of le port poole is broken and not repaired, and that the citizens ought to repair it. They jury present that the walls are very ruinous and not repaired by the default of the citizens to the harm and danger of those who go along them. The jury present that the pavement outside le barres near the barn which was Mr. Cotgreave's is very ruinous and in decay, but they do not know who ought to repair it. Encroachments. The following each fined 3s.4d: Richard Trenil for an encroachment on the land in Crookes Lane; Jane Ball, widow, for an encroachment on part of the said lane; Edward Button for an encroachment near 'le towne ditch alley'; Richard Leighe, Jane Litler, widow, Widow Blakon, Widow Gruffith, Widow Fassaker, Ralph Barlowe and Hugh Williams for the like in the aforesaid place. Annoyances: Randle Throppe for laying dung in le Northgate fold and cleaning out his privy into the same, to the danger of the cattle folded there and the injury of the neighbours (12d.). (76) The parishoners of the parish of St. John Baptist for the dung-hill at Loave lane end (12d. - crossed out). Robert Symme and George Browne for letting le watercourse to run through the court and the backside of the dwelling-house of the said Robert in Fleshomongers Lane, which ought to run through Robert's dwelling-house; so that by their default it ran into the dwelling-house of John Wade, butcher (3s.4d. each). The jury present that a certain water-course runs through the backside of the dwelling-house of Ralph Seckerson, fishmonger, by his default, because of his failure to clean it out and remove the filth which now stops it up and fills it; so that the water flowing there which descends and runs through the high street, overflows and inundates the dwelling-houses of Anthony Warmincham and Thurstan Hel[d?] in the same street, adjoining Ralph's house, and so that Thurstan and Anthony cannot go in and out of their houses and backsides to do their business (6s.8d.). The jury present that a jaques or privy in the dwelling-house of Jeffry Smith, draper, and near adjoining the stable of Ellis Johnes, ironmonger, in le Bridgestreete, for default of scouring and cleaning, is stopped up and filled with filth, earth, mud and sand; so that when it rains the said stable is flooded, and Ellis and his servants cannot go to and from the stable for their business (3s.4d.). (76v.) Broken assize of bread: The jury present that John Fernaughe, William Maudesley and John Ashton late of Chester, bakers, on 20th May, 42 Elizabeth and many other days and times before and after exposed for sale many and divers loaves lacking in weight (6s.8d. each). Signatures of Mayor and Justices (except Fletcher Rathburne). ff.77-80. Session of the Peace held before Henry Hardware, esq., Mayor, Richard Birkened, esq., Recorder, Thomas Greene, Richard Bavand, Valentine Broughton, Edmund Gamull, Thomas Lynnyall, William Aldersey and Thomas Fletcher, Aldermen and Justices of the Peace, on Friday 18th July, 42 Elizabeth [1600] and adjourned until Friday 25th July. Inquest by John Williams, mercer, Godfrey Wynn, butcher, William Thropp, skinner, Richard Sponne, tanner Robert Syme, mercer, Robert Cooper, baker, Peter Wignall innholder, William Mundesley, baker, Peter Hughes, tailor, Richard Vawes, tailor, Ralph Sekerson, fishmonger Evan Thomas, sherman, Richard Battriche, tailor, William Byrd, innholder, John Lea, tallowchandler, and Thomas Carter, jurors. Affrays: Robert Bouth on Randle Kelsall (6s.8d.); Thomas Tetlowe, carpenter, on Randle Kelsall (6s.8d.); (77v.) Thomas Johnson, shoemaker, on Roger Robinson (3s.4d.); Richard Rathbone, merchant, on William Newport, tailor (3s.4d.); Edward Guest on John Blanchard (3s.4d.); Roger Guest on John Blanchard (3s.4d.); Henry Guest on the said John Blanchard (3s.4d.); William Guest on the said John Blanchard (3s.4d.); the said John Blanchard on Edward Guest (6s.8d.); John Lunt on John Quicke (6s.8d.); John Quick on John Lunt (3s.4d.); William Clough on William Bird (3s.4d.); the said William Bird on William Clough (6d.8d.). Swine styes: Thomas Watkin for keeping pigs in his backside (6s.8d.). Broken assize. The following each fined 3s.4d. for breaking the assize of ale: William Bird, John Powell, John Battridge, Widow Andrewe, John Pierson, Humfrey Dale, Henry Phillipps, Humfrey Ellis, Widow Orton, Widow Hockenhull, William Maddocke, Thomas Powell, Kenrick ap Jevan, Robert Dodd, John Robinson, John Houghton, Gruff Thomas, Hector Maudesley, Hugh Harby, (78) Hugh Crompe, Ralph Dicus, Ralph Wayle, Jevan Thomas, Richard Vawes, Thomas Fletcher, Richard Fletcher, Widow Clough, Geoffrey Cooke, Richard Knee, Katherine Stole, widow, Widow Bastwell, Widow Grymbsditch, Widow Garrat, Arthur Chauntrell, Geoffrey Wareton, Thomas Flemmynge, David Deves, Thomas Morgan, Widow Loe, Edward Button, John Milner, William Manninge, Thomas Annion, Richard Button, Lawrence Warmincham, Ralph Penny, Widow Kettle, Robert Cullen, gentleman, Robert Basford, Lawrence Haye, Hamnet Moores, Randle Finchet, Thomas Williams, Thomas Coulton, Widow Harrison, Thomas Blanchard, Henry Trafford, Robert Wilson, Widow Leycester, John Smith, barber, Thomas Tarleton, Richard Cally, Richard Ridley, (78v.) William Maudesley, Robert Ridley, William Snell, Lewis Williams, Richard Partington, Richard Dodd, Richard Clerke, Symon Stockton, William Dawson, Ralph Tonge, William Hockenhull, Thomas Tilson, William Alcocke, Thomas Looker, Anthonly Warmincham, Ralph Seckerson, Godfrey Wynne, John Eaton, John Williams, mercer, Elizabeth Fisher, widow, Henry Crosby, Randle Juet, John Williamson, Katherine Mercer, John Greene, William Johnes, Widow Buxie, Richard Smith, James Ball, Nicholas Bannester, George Combes, Robert Smith, Widow Wareton, Richard Greaves, John Inglefield, Richard Stockton, Edward Younge, John Seale, Thomas Ince, Robert Sevill, John Kinge, Richard Sale, (79) Randle Ince, John Rogerson, Ralph Maudesley, Hugh Hynde, Roger Syddall Dannold Callister, John Ashbrooke, Thomas Cowper, Robert Leeche, Richard Ameson, John Ashton, Widow Cowper, Widow Johnson, John Johnson. The following each fined 3s.4d. for breaking the assize of beer: Anthony Enos, Robert Johnes, William Johnson, Gruff Prees, Thomas Egerton, Widow Smith, Oates Conelowe, John Hutchins, Thomas Watkin, Richard Bird, James Sale, Thomas Franncis, John Williams del Harpe, Ralph Rathburne, draper. For selling beer not admitted (i.e. unlicensed). The following each fined 20s.: Anthonly Enos, Robert Johnes, William Johnson, Gruff Preece, John Allerton alias Philpott, William Witten, William Huntington, Thomas Johnson, sailor, Widow Buxie, Widow Mosse, Arrat Watt, Robert Shurlocke, John Lea, tallowchandler, John Holker, (79v.) John Humfrey, William Humfrey, Philip Cottingham, Thomas Stanney, Thomas Pulley, Widow Cone, John Hixon, Elizabeth Granwall, Peter Wignall, Anne White, Widow Coventree, Widow Woodes. For selling ale not being enfranchised. The following each fined 20s.: John Jenkins, John Sefton, Thomas Rimmer, Widow Crowfoote. Unlawful games: James Broster for keeping 'le gamminge' in his dwelling-house (6s.8d.); James Smith for the like (6s.8d.); Arthur Bennet for the like (6s.8d.); John Wade for the like (6s.8d.); Thomas Ashmore for the like (6.s8d.); Peter Wignall for the like (6s.8d.); Henry Bennet for the like (6s.8d.). Harbouring beggars: Edward Smith for receiving and harbouring beggars in his house (3s.4d.); Matthew Ellis, gentleman, for the like (3s.4d.). 'Houses of bawdy': Widow Farraw for keeping a bawdy house and receiving in it 'horemaisters' (6s.8d.). 'Defect': The jury present that there is one place in Northgate street at Dee Lane end where t
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