Description | f 47d, William Clerke, quarrier, to ..; f 49d Richard Grosvenor, draper, to..f 51d Nicholas Holyhead, feltcapper to..; other examples of feltcappers; f 56d, Gerves Butler, 'potecary' to..; Thomas Chaterton, sergeant, to..; f 61, Robert Chalner, fidler, to..; f 62, Radulphus Pull, goldsmith, to...; f 65, reference to John Masey, keeper of the gaol; f65d, grant and quitclaim, entered at request of William Venables of Kinderton; f 67d Thomas Crane, 'sclater' to...; other examples of slaters; James, friar minor. Note that ff 76-78 are out of sequence; they include two courts on August 1st and May 19th, |