RepositoryCheshire Record Office
ReferenceZMB/7/ff 125-149
TitlePleas of Portmote; persons bound over
Descriptionf 125d, John Wilson, hardwareman, mutually; f 128, wives of John Mascyn and Stephen Wermyncham, both goldsmiths, mutually; f 133d, note of persons seeking peace; f 140, William Leche, wiredrawer, mutually; f 142d, Richard Henshagh, minstrel, to all the merchants 'extra neis de Hispan' [?]; Robert Berneston, pinner, to Robert Bek, wiredrawer; f 143d William Annyson, swordbearer; f 146d, Willaim ap Robert Botiller de Ruthyn, 'bokebynder', to..[ see f 164 below]
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