Description | f 163 William Annyon, swordbearer; f 164 Robert Overn[?] and William Welles, minstrels, to appear; William Butler de Ruthyn to..[see f 146d above]; f Prioress and her sisters; f 165 Gilbert Kaies, tynker, to ..; f 171 John Balle, Carmelite friar, mutually; William Candeler, bonetmaker to..; f 176 Peter Janson, pardoner to..: f 190d Robert Mais,chaplain, sacristan at St John's, to appear at Crownmote. Note that this and previous six entries must be dated 1493. ie f 190 bound of place [?]; f 202d Walter Waynewright, steward of the Smiths, to..; ff 191-192 Pleas of Crownmote (8); headings and persons bound over. |