Description | April 6th. The offer of Sir Richard Bulkley to lease to the City the prisage of wine for twelve years, to be accepted. Touching the dispute between the Mere Merchants and the Retailers, resolved that suit be made to the Privy Council for the grant of a new Company, to be beneficial to the whole City and to rectify the faults in the grant of Queen Mary; and that the Recorder, William Glasior, John Hankie and William Bird, Aldermen, and Robert Brocke, gentleman., consider together what improvements could be made. The Mayor to oversee the disposal of the recent common bargain of wine. The poor and needy to be relieved in accordance with the statute. William Dymocke, Keeper of the Common Hall, is ordered to discharge his duties more efficiently (especially in respect of his under-keeper, Richard Cooke) and to render his accounts yearly. (ZA/B/1/185). Mention made of the lease of the towers of the Eastgate by Richard Wright. The request of the Earl of Leicester, that his man Arthur Atye might represent the City in Parliament, in place of Sir William Gerrard, deceased, is referred to the next county [court?]. The case of the Mere Merchants, as submitted to the Commissioners appointed by the Privy Council, is debated. Granted, as far as law permits, that if the Retailers are to enjoy the position of Mere Merchants, then the reverse should also be permitted; granted that the expenses of the Mere Merchants' case, as with the Retailers, should be met by the City; referred to the Mayor whether the Mere Merchants should be exempt from contributing towards the expenses of the Retailers' case. July 6th. The Mere Merchants are given warning of disfranchisement unless they withdraw from the position taken by them in their recent "sclanderous bill" to Sir Francis Walsingham. John Shawe to receive a recent admission fine, (£4 from one Peter Strete) as payment for work done, on the instruction of certain Justices, in the paving of Watergate Street. Admission of Anthony Enowes, John Saice, Edward Kelshe, William Thickins and Richard Halsall (servant to Alderman Pulleston of London), for fines of £3, £5, £3, £10 and £20 respectively. The question of a seal and sealer of cloth in the City is deferred. In view of Sir Lawrence Smith's offer of £3 6s. 8d. towards the expense of paving Black Friar's Lane with sandstone, the City to undertake the rest of the cost. A further complaint received from the Joiners against Robert Brerewood to be investigated, and dealt with in accordance with a former order. (f. ZA/B/1/177 above). |