Description | Robert Brine, butcher, accused of incontinence, to be removed from among the Councilmen unless he submits himself to the judgement of the Mayor and Justices before the next Assembly. The Mayor and his bretheren to draw up regulations for the provision of calivers and shot by selected inhabitants. Rafe Fletcher, late apprentice to John Birthe, butcher, to be admitted as an apprentice in spite of some irregularity in his indenture. John Lightfoote, wright, who is to marry a freeman's wife, [sic] to be admitted, paying £3 6 8. [Slightly later addition]. The offer of William Wall, Alderman, to supply powder and match for the City (the Mercers and Ironmongers having refused) accepted, but certain details referred to the Recorder. "Mr. Recorder is of minde that this can not passe nor be graunted, so the draught of this order never p'fected." |