Description | The annuity of 5 marks, previously offered to Peter Proby, to be made up to 20 nobles on receipt of a further letter from Derby, and in consideration of Proby's offer to act as the City's solicitor. Copies of letters from Derby, and from his secretary, Michael Doughtie, are given. The 20 Marks and £20 received on admission from Thomas Watson and Randle Stockton respectively, to be entrusted to Stockton for the provision of powder. (ZA/B/1/228v). Richard Greves, tailor, to be admitted paying £3.6.8 Henry Houghton, imprisoned for slandering the wife of Mr. Hamnet, to be released, and to have his fine remitted; but he is to enter into bond not to slander any citizen in future. Note of the petition of Mr. Sheriff Hollinshed, to be free of the payment of the fee farm rent and other charges. The petition of Randle Eaton to be restored to his former position, deferred for want of time. |