Description | Made by Henry Gee during his first period of office. Each item gives the tenant at the time of the survey, the present tenant, a brief note of the location of the tenement, and the amount paid. e.g. "Estgatestrete. Syr John Talbot Knoght for a tenement which now is in the holdinge of Thomas Ball, corvis', and is the 4th. house from Fleshmongers lane westwarde." XVII&supd; Note that the Abbot holds several tenements, the St. Ann's Chantry priests a tenement, and the Priors of the Black and White friars, and the Prioress of the nuns, several pieces of land. Also: - (f 40) "The abbot of Chest' for his lib'tis in ye water of Dee, at XII&supd; The fyshares of the water of Dee for c'teyn Stalles X/- The Stewardes of the Shoumakers for their lib'it's, that they shall not pass upon anye quest or jury in ye pentece." XL/- Initial letter. |