Description | John Finlowe, glover, elected one of Vernon's almsmen in succession to William Taylor, glover, deceased. It was ordered that Robert Emonson and Lawrence Yonge should be discharged from their places as Councilmen. Arthur Walley, mercer, and Richard Johnson, apothecary, were elected in their stead. Those Councilmen who had not paid their 13s: 4d each, in lieu of a `hanch feast', were ordered to pay it to the Treasurers for the purchase of plate for the City. It was ordered that John Dutton, heretofore of Gilden Sutton, should seal a lease of the tenement in Sutton, late in his occupation, and provide security for the performance of the covenants in it before the following Candlemas. If he failed to do so the Treasurers should otherwise dispose of the tenement to the City's benefit. Widow Newport, then in possession of the meadow lying near Stanford Bridge, should either pay £7 yearly rent for it, together with all assessments, or else if any other person would give as much the Treasurers were to dispose of it accordingly. (ZA/B/2/102v). Owing to the decay of the water-works formerly operated by John Tyrer, deceased, water was no longer conveyed in pipes to the inhabitants' houses. It was ordered that the gentlemen who claimed the water-works under John Tyrer should, by the following 1st of May, answer whether or not they would rebuild the Water Tower and provide water as formerly. In order to settle differences which had arisen between the Companies of Joiners and Carpenters, it was ordered that both companies should henceforth be free to buy and sell all such timber and boards as they required. Of late the Carpenters, Slaters, Bricklayers, Plasterers, Masons and Pavers had exacted more wages than formerly from the inhabitants who had employed them. Therefore it was ordered that in future between Lady Day and Candlemas masters of these trades should not be paid more than 14d a day and for their journeymen 12d a day, and between Michaelmas (sic) and Lady Day 12d a day for themselves and 10d for their journeymen. Slaters should only be paid 4d a day for their boy. If these craftsmen refused to work for these wages the Citizens might employ foreigners at what rate they liked, but the foreigners must pay 1d to the company concerned for each week in which they were thus employed. John Smyth, glover, Thomas Watt, William Rainer, Thomas Nicholl the younger and Thomas Preece, cloth-workers, were elected to have portions of Sir Thomas White's money, viz: £25 each. They were forbidden to make sale of it to any other person. (ZA/B/2/103). It was ordered that all persons who claimed any City land should pay their rents to the Treasurers; if they defaulted their fee farms and leases should be void and the Treasurers should dispose of the land otherwise. The inclosure made on the City land near the `Justing Croft' should be viewed and valued, and a yearly rent for it should be paid to the Treasurers. John Aldersey, ironmonger, who held leases of two shops in Northgate Street, under the Pentice, which belonged to the City, petitioned that he might be granted a new lease for three lives. It was agreed to grant this for a fine of £6: 13s: 4d and for the same yearly rent of 54s. The petiton of Richard Bridge, dyer, for a fee farm of a void piece of ground outside the further Bridgegate on the South side of the Kitchen belonging to the Bridge house, so that he might erect a building upon it, was granted. He was to pay the yearly rent of 5s. John Hiccocke was admitted to the freedom for £3: 6s: 8d. |