Description | Six of the Sheriff peers and four Councilmen were appointed to make an assessment of £60 upon the free inhabitants for the repair of the building of the Free School. In each ward the Constables should provide the Assessors with lists of the free inhabitants, and should levy the assessment. Henry Yong and William Streete were to ask for contributions for this purpose from those inhabitants who were not freemen. Thomas Robinson and Raph Burroughes, Sheriffs, asked what deodand they should receive from James Bullen, gentleman, (ZA/B/2/118) whose cart killed Margaret Heys. They were ordered to receive 30s. For some years the Mayor and Justices of the Peace had not come to the Pentice to administer justice as frequently as he heretofore been the custom. It was ordered, therefore, that the Mayor should come to the Pentice by 10 a.m. on every Monday, Wednesday and Saturday to administer public justice, and that the Justices of the Peace should wait upon him at these times. Moreover the Justices, Sheriffs, Aldermen, Sheriff peers and Leavelookers had become negligent about waiting upon the Mayor in the Pentice every Lord's day in the afternoon, before sermon. Penalties were now imposed for failure to attend: 2s. for every Justice of the Peace and 1s. for every other person. Former orders concerning the payment of the accustomed quarterly allowances to the yeoman of the Pentice for "prepareing of necessaryes in the Pentice every Sabath" were repeated. Charles Farrington was ordered to pay the Treasurers (ZA/B/2/118v) 10s. for an encroachment under his house in Northgate Street. The Company of Mercers and Ironmongers complained that the Company of Innholders and others had encroached upon their trade by selling wares which only appertained to their trade. It was ordered that the Company of Innholders and others not free of the Company of Mercers and Ironmongers should not encroach thus; if they did so they were to be punished according to former orders. |