Description | A meeting held in the Inner Pentice by His Majesty's Commissioners for the well governing and regulating of Corporations in the City of Chester and in the County of the same City, by virtue of an Act of Parliament of 8th May, 1661, and of His Majesty's Commission under the great seal. Thomas Throppe, esq., Mayor, Charles Walley, Robert Harvey, Thomas Cowper, William Ince, William Crompton, John Johnson, Richard Bird, Richard Minshull and Arthur Walley, Aldermen and Justices of the Peace, took the oaths and subscribed the declaration mentioned in the Act and were continued in their respective offices. Sir Thomas Smith, Kt., and Richard Dutton, esq., were restored to their former places of Aldermen and Justices of the Peace. Richard Broster, Alderman, took the oaths and subscribed the declaration and was continued in his place of Alderman. John Ratcliffe, esq., Recorder of the City, William Edwards, Edward Bradshaw, William Bennett, William Wright, Peter Leighe and Gerrard Jones, Aldermen and Justices of the Peace, were removed from their offices for not taking the oaths and subscribing the declaration. Richard Sproston, John Griffith, Daniel Greatbache and John Anderson, Aldermen, were removed from their offices for not taking the oaths and subscribing the declaration. Daniel Greatbache and John Witter, Treasurers, were removed for the same reason. William Wilson and William Bristow, Coroners, were removed from their offices. Thomas Parnell, Richard Townesend, Charles Farrington, John Witter, Thomas Robinson, William Bristow, William Heywood and John Knowles, Sheriff-peers and Councilmen, were removed (ZA/B/2/135v) from their offices for not taking the oaths and subscribing the declaration. The said William Wilson was removed from being a Sheriff-peer and Councilman "for sufficient causes appeareing to the said Commissioners". Ralph Davenport, gentleman, Town Clerk and Clerk of the Pentice, was removed from his office for not taking the oaths and subscribing the declaration. Thomas Aspenwall and Hugh Harvey, leavelookers, were removed for the same reason. The said Thomas Aspenwall, Hugh Harvey, Thomas Welshman, Henry Yong, Richard Bridge, Thomas Fernihaughe, John Lancaster, Thomas Pickering, Daniel Crosse, Thomas Cowper, William Hewitt and Jonathan Goldson, Councilmen, were removed for the same reason. Richard Harrison and John Hulton, Sheriffs, took the oaths and subscribed the declaration and were continued in office. Humphrey Phillipps was restored to his place of Sheriff-peer, and Humphrey Lloyd to his place of Councilman. The said Humphrey Phillipps, Robert Cappur, John Poole, Ralph Burroughes, William Street, Randle Oulton, Thomas Willcocke, Richard Taylor and Randle Bennett took the oaths and subscribed the declaration, and were constituted Aldermen of the City. Hugh Moulson, a Sheriff-peer and Councilman, took the oaths and subscribed the declaration, and was continued in office. Richard Pennington, esq., was nominated to be Recorder if he came to reside in Chester. Daniel Bavand, gentleman, took the oaths and subscribed the declaration and was appointed Town Clerk and Clerk of the Pentice. George Bulkeley was approved of to continue Deputy Clerk there. (ZA/B/2/136) Alexander Bird, Symon Lea, Richard Wright, William King, Thomas Wright, Laurence Fletcher, William Ball and Robert Murrey, Councilmen, took the oaths and subscribed the declaration and were continued in their offices. Humphrey Lloyd, John Maddock, John Bennett, mercer, Thomas Warmincham, sadler, Richard Brett, Edward Kinsey, Edward Hulton, William Warrington, Robert Shone, William Harvey, Richard Bennett, Thomas Annion, innholder, Richard Key, Richard Tyror, John Phillipps, William Hand, Valentine Short, Thomas Broster, Samuel Broster, Urian Minshull, Richard Denson, Richard Annion, Hugh Barkly, John Moulson, John Cowles, Ralph Leighe, William Potter, Richard Smith and Henry Crosby took the oaths and subscribed the declaration, and were appointed Councilmen in the place of those who refused to do so. John Poole and Ralph Burroughes were appointed Coroners. Randle Oulton and Richard Taylor were appointed Treasurers. William Warrington and John Maddocks were appointed Leavelookers. John Whittle, Hall Keeper and Clerk of the Common Hall, was removed from the office for not taking the oath and subscribing the declaration. Samson Shelley was appointed to the office. George Bagott, Swordbearer, was removed for not taking the oath and subscribing the declaration. John Lingley was appointed to the office. Randle Richardson, Sergeant of the Peace and Macebearer, was removed for the same reason, and Randle Minshull was appointed in his stead. (ZA/B/2/136v) Hamnet Bennett, Ralph Edwards, Hamnet Kirk and Thomas Bridge, the four Sergeants at Mace and Ministers of the Portmote and Pentice Courts of the City, Robert Taylor, Richard Maddock, Richard Shene and Matthew Starkey, the Sheriffs' Officers and Ministers of the Pentice Court, Robert Moulson, Cryer, and John Wilding, Yeoman of the Pentice, took the oaths and subscribed the declaration and were continued in their respective offices. Richard Levinge, esq., learned in the law, took the oaths and subscribed the declaration and was appointed Recorder of the City, Alderman and Justice of the Peace, in the place of John Ratcliffe, esq. |