Description | Fines for absence from this Assembly were imposed in accordance with former orders. The house were informed that a suit prosecuted by Adam Bettie against the Company of Mercers and Ironmongers had been removed by certiorari out of the Pentice court to the Exchequer Court at Chester. The rights and privileges of the City were drawn into question in this suit and it was therefore ordered that, so far as those rights and privileges were concerned, it should be made a City cause, maintained at the City's charge. It was agreed that the differences concerning "Trafford's Intack" should be submitted to the Earl of Shrewsbury. It was ordered that all inhabitants should clean their streets and cause the dirt to be carried away weekly, on pain of 12d. for every default. The Flax, Yarn and Linen-cloth markets were to be removed to the Row between the Commonhall Lane end and the two churches in Bridge street, where they were anciently held. The table of fees mentioned in an order of 1621 were to be set up in the office. Arthur Walley, Alderman, Mr Sheriff Lloyd and Mr Gawen Hudson were added to the Auditors nominated on 17th June, 1664. It was ordered that the Beadles of the City should be punished for their neglect in the execution of their office. It was further ordered that each Justice of the Peace should every month inspect his ward to prevent the reception and increase of poor people and in "inmates" who might be burdensome to the City. Poor people who could work were to be sent to the House of Correction. |