Description | John Yong, mercer, elected Councilman in the stead of John Phillipps, gentleman, deceased, and Edward Oulton, beerbrewer, in the stead of John Gibbons, barber-chirurgeon, deceased. They took the oaths and subscribed the declaration. Joseph Lingley was confirmed in the place of Sword-bearer in the stead of his brother John Lingley, deceased. In addition to the perquisites and profits he was to enjoy the benefit of the Fleshshambles belonging to the City. For his encouragement in the diligent performance of his duties, £10 of the £30 which he paid for the place was to be given to the widow and children of John Lingley. John Bridge was confirmed in the place of Yeoman of the Pentice in succession to John Wilding, deceased. Peter Bodvile, citizen and bookseller of London, petitioned to be admitted to the freedom. He had suffered great losses by the fire of London, by reason of which he moved his habitation to Chester. Here, by virtue of the King's declaration, he had been permitted the free exercise of his trade, and he had gained the respect of many citizens of note. He stated that there was but one other of his trade in the City. He was admitted and paid £10. (ZA/B/2/163) Thomas Clarke, who married the daughter of Thomas Jones of Chester, carrier, was admitted to the freedom and paid £30. David Edwards, carpenter, was admitted and paid £10. The petition of John Somaster desiring to be made a freeman was not permitted to be read. It was ordered that £8 received for the rent from lands in Tattenhall, the profits of which were to be employed in accordance with Owen Jones's will, should be paid to the Mayor and Sheriffs for these uses. A suit commenced by Thomas Bolland, joiner, against Robert Morrey, Alderman, and others, for payment for timber which he pretended to have delivered for the City's use, was to be defended as a city cause. |