Description | It was ordered that the money spent by the appointment of the late Mayor for repairing the point of the Roo Dee and charged in the Treasurers accounts should be allowed. William Crompton, Richard Taylor and William Streete, Aldermen and Justices, and John Hulton, John Yong and Thomas Simpson, Aldermen, were to view the ground gained by the other work at the Roo Dee and to report to the next Assembly. If the works were advantageous to the City the charge was to be allowed upon the Treasurers' accounts. The sums of £88: 4s., disbursed by the Treasurers for repair of the Eastgate, and £38, charged in their accounts as paid for cleansing the streets, should not be allowed to them as there was a particular tax upon the City for this purpose. The sums of £10: 15s: 0d given by the late Mayor, without order, to an engineer to view the river, and charged in the Treasurers' accounts, should not be allowed. The sum of £56: 8s: 11d paid by the Treasurers to William Streete, Alderman, should not be allowed upon their accounts, but a former order concerning the accounts of Richard Minshull, Alderman, deceased, was to be pursued by the referees named in the order within a month. It was ordered that the sum of £4 a year which the Treasurers had of late years paid to a substitute to collect the City rents should not be allowed in future. The Treasurers should collect the rents in preson and should give an account of the arrears as well as of the receipts. The following persons were authorized to inquire concerning the City rents: William Ince, William Crompton, Richard Taylor, William Streete and Robert Morrey, Aldermen and Justices, John Hulton, Richard Wright, and Thomas Simpson, Aldermen, and Owen Ellis, Sheriff peer. They were to summon before them persons who could give information and were to present a perfect rent roll to the next Assembly. They were to meet every Thursday. Randle Hulme, painter, was fined £3: 6s: 8d for his contempt in proceeding with his buildings in Bridge street contrary to the Mayor's command. William Crompton, Richard Taylor, William Street and Robert Morrey, Aldermen and Justices, and the Treasurers were desired to view the encroachment on the City's ground made by Mr Randle Hulme by his buildings in Bridge street. (ZA/B/2/173v) George Mainewaring, merchant, was to have a lease for three lives of the New Tower and of thirty yards of ground below the tower Northward and 30 yards Westward, for 20s. yearly rent and a fine of £5, provided that he should not come within four yards of the gate nor alter the form of the tower. Upon the petition of John Calcott it was granted that his mother Alice Calcott should have a lease for her life, with remainder to John Calcott for his life and the life of his wife, of the house or cottage in Clayton lane built by her late husband. He was to pay 20s. fine and 2s. annual rent. 173v |