Description | George Mainwaring, merchant, elected Alderman in the stead of Owen Ellis, deceased, and Charles Ravenscroft, apothecary, elected Councilman in the stead of George Mainwaring. They took their oaths and subscribed the declaration. Four auditors were appointed to audit the accounts of Owen Ellis, deceased, Alderman and Treasurer, and of John Yong, Alderman and Treasurer. They were to procure the keys of the Treasury from Mr Ellis's executors, and to deliver them to the present Treasurers. William Ince, Junior, Alderman, elected Treasurer in the place of Owen Ellis, deceased. He was to continue until the election of the next Mayor. The Treasurers and Aldermen Willme and Mainwaring were appointed auditors to audit the accounts of Richard Wright, Alderman, concerning the repair of the Northgate. (ZA/B/2/184) The Treasurers were ordered to pay Nathaniel Williamson and Thomas Wright, Sheriffs, £10 to make up the money they had in their hands so that they could pay the arrears due to the prisoners of the King's Bench and Marshalsea. Aldermen and Councilmen (named) who had not yet delivered in their plate, due upon their admission to office, were to do so within two weeks. John Yong, Treasurer, was to inquire how much of the annual fee due to the Recorder was in arrears, and to report to the next Assembly. Samuel Broster petitioned to have a lease for three lives or twenty-one years of a cottage and enclosed ground under St. John's Church, near the river. It was to be enquired whether the lease of the premises heretofore made to Richard Whitby for three lives was yet in being, and what its value was. Brian Bolland petitioned for a lease of a void piece of ground under the windmill on Houghe Greene. The Treasurers were ordered to view the ground and to report to the next Assembly. Elizabeth Lemm, widow, petitioned for a lease of a plot of ground lying before her new building near the River Dee and under St. John's Church. The Treasurers were also to view this ground. |