Description | Thomas Heath elected Councilman in the place of John Whitbye, deceased. The petitions for admission from Thomas Grey, husbandman, Rowland Owen, servant to Colonel John Marrowe, and James Woods, miller, servant to Sir Francis Gamul, were granted; each was to pay £10. The petitions for admission from John Manley, Edmund Hall, George Holford, Philip Horton and Andrew Parry were referred to the next Assembly. (ZA/B/2/67v). It was ordered that, towards the repair of the mud walls, each week the Justices of the Peace should pay 12d each, the Sheriffs and the rest of the Aldermen 10d each, the Sheriff Peers 8d each, and the Councilmen 6d each. The rest of the Citizens and inhabitants were to be assessed by the Mayor, assisted by the Aldermen of each ward. It was also ordered that the sum of £50 should be assessed upon the citizens and inhabitants for the repair of the City gates, making of "perculles" (portcullises), cleansing of the ditch by the Eastgate and other things necessary for the safety of the garrison. The Mayor and Aldermen should make the assessment and should appoint collectors. William Ainsworth, clerk, who had been entertained as City Lecturer in his banishment, petitioned for some remuneration for eight months' service. It was ordered that the Leavelookers should collect a benevolence for his support, and that within a week they should bring to the Mayor and Aldermen a list of persons refusing to contribute. |