Description | Arthur Walley, mercer, elected Councilman in place of Lawrence Massey, deceased, Robert Denson, beerbrewer, in place of John Levesley, deceased, John Williams, maltster, in place of John Brooke, deceased, and Robert Emonson, draper, in place of Ralph Richardson, lately chosen Sheriff. John Ball, baker, was chosen to succeed Edward Farar, deceased, as one of Vernon's almsmen. (ZA/B/2/72). In consideration of "the noysomnesse of the Muckehills neere the Watergate and Northgate" it was ordered that each householder within the City should, upon notice given by the Constables, send a servant with spades or baskets to remove the muck from Watergate street to the Chancellor's Close and from the Northgate to such place as Mr. [Mayor] should appoint. Since the inhabitants of the wards adjoining the muckhills were most to blame for them, householders within the wards of Trinity, St. Martins, Northgate and St. Oswald's should send double the rest of the citizens. All the streets and backlanes were to be cleansed of all muck by those before whose houses it lay. |