Description | The order made in Mr. Hankie's mayoralty concerning absence from the Assembly was to be put into execution. It was ordered that the assessment of £40 heretofore made for "fixing of armes" should not be levied, and that such monies as had been disbursed for this purpose should be paid out of the Treasury. (ZA/B/2/86v). It was ordered that the Treasurers should prosecute a suit against the gentlemen of the county who were bound for the payment of £1100. Robert Emonson and George Starkey were appointed collectors of the remainder of the second assessment made in the time of Infection. It was ordered that the Leavelookers and forty men newly come into the house should either make a hanch feast as formerly or, instead, each Leavelooker should pay 5s. and each of the forty 13s: 4d. This money should be bestowed on plate to be put into the Treasury. The order was only to be binding for this occasion. It was ordered that Mr. Walley and Mr. Holmes the younger should be put in suit for the City plate. Persons who had been Sheriffs without first being Leavelookers were to be fined £5 each according to former orders. James Knowsley, Richard Denwall, Richard Snead and Thomas Asbrooke, the four Sergeants of the Mace, complained that, although it was the ancient custom, confirmed by Assembly Orders, that they should arrest and summon freemen to the City courts, the Sheriffs' officers had assumed this function. (ZA/B/2/87). After consulting orders in the "blacke booke" it was ordered that the Sheriffs' officers should not summon any freemen until they showed just cause to the contrary. William Jones, linendraper, petitioned on behalf of the five orphan children of William Wilcocke, showing that after the father's untimely death all his personal estate was seized. He begged that a few bonds and debts by book, which remained, might be confirmed to the orphans. This was done. |