Description | John Brookes was admitted as one of John Vernon's almsmen in succession to Richard Chantrell, deceased. In spite of the order of March 24th, 1647, all accounts had not been brought in, therefore ten auditors were appointed to receive these accounts. Fines would be imposed for disobedience. Nine surveyors were appointed to make a rental of the City lands and of the encroachments. The Treasurers were ordered to take possession of Dee Mills unless Arthur Harvie should seal the articles which were tendered to him, and should pay £51: 5s: 0d, then due for rent, by March 25th or within six days after. (ZA/B/2/93). Robert Annyon, who had wilfully neglected to attend Assemblies, was discharged from his place of Common Councilman and was fined £5. |