RepositoryCheshire Record Office
TitleCalendar Entries for QSE/90
Description1. ?1702 - 1707
Parchment leaf "?Session File" inscribed.
2. Oct. - Nov. 1700 conviction date.
Register of convictions in cases of "prophaness" and debauchery.
Convicted: John [surname illegible] and his wife.
John Ravenscroft.
Thomas Jones labourer.
3. Aug. 1700 conviction date.
Register of convictions in cases of "prophaness" and debauchery.
Convicted: [christian name illegible] Price and Catherine Price his wife.
4. Nov. 1700 conviction date.
Register of convictions in cases of "prophaness" and debauchery.
Convicted: Knight, bricklayer.
5. Sessions: list of officials. mayor - Richard Oulton
recorder - Roger Comberbach
partial list of jurors (illegible)
6. 28 Oct. 1700
Sessions: Precept to the sheriffs to summon a jury of 24 on the 11th Nov. [half the document illegible because of decay]
Endorsed: executed by Humphrey Page and Thomas Bawker - sheriffs.
7. 11 Nov. 1700
Sessions: list of fines levied against lawbreakers with conditions of release.
8. 11 Nov. 1700
Sessions: notice of the adjournment of the case concerning ? Fortune Stewtley.
9. 11 Nov. 1700
Sessions: signed declaration by some of the men listed in 5. in addition to others to deny Catholic doctrine of transubstantiation.
10. 11 Nov. 1700
Sessions: signed declaration by persons named in documents 5 and 9 that they will support the king against Papist invasion from France and defend the succession of the crown according to an Act made in the reign of William and Mary.
11. Presentment by the jury that Edward Burrowes of Chester on 3 Nov. 1700 assaulted and caused grievous bodily harm to Henry Gunn.
Billa vera.
12. 11 Nov. 1700
Order made by the court, following the presentment by the Grand Jury to prohibit Jonathan Tapley, the younger, of Chester, cordwainer, from keeping his "common alehouse" in Chester without a licence.
13. 11 Nov. 1700
Order made by the court, following the presentment by the Grand Jury to prohibit Ralph Lightfoote, yeoman, from keeping his "common alehouse" in Chester without a licence.
14. 11 Nov. 1700
Order made by the court, following the presentment by the Grand Jury, to prohibit Peter Horton, yeoman, from keeping his "common alehouse" in Chester without a licence.
15. 11 Nov. 1700
Order made by the court, following the presentment by the Grand Jury, to prohibit Thomas Towsey, yeoman, from keeping his "common alehouse" in Chester without a licence.
16. 11 Nov. 1700
Order made by the court, following the presentment by the Grand Jury, to prohibit John Thomas, yeoman, from keeping his "common alehouse" in Chester without a licence.
17. 11 Nov. 1700
Order made by the court, following the presentment by the Grand Jury, to prohibit Randle Stannaway, yeoman, from keeping his "common alehouse" in Chester without a licence. Subscript: - allowed to take out a licence.
18. 11 Nov. 1700
Order made by the court, following the presentment by the Grand Jury, to prohibit David Preston, yeoman, from keeping his "common alehouse" in Chester without a licence.
19. 11 Nov. 1700
Order made by the court, following the presentment by the Grand Jury, to prohibit Reece Hughes, yeoman, from keeping his "common alehouse" in Chester without a licence.
20. 11 Nov. 1700
Order made by the court, following the presentment by the Grand Jury, to prohibit Thomas Moores, yeoman, from keeping his common alehouse in Chester without a licence.
Subscript:- licensed.
21. 11 Nov. 1700
Order made by the court, following the presentment by the Grand Jury, to prohibit Samuel Deane, yeoman, from keeping his common alehouse in Chester without a licence.
22. 1 March 1700/01
Certificate registering the house of Edward Hincks, linendraper, in Eastgate Street, Chester, as a meeting place for non-conformist worship. Signed by Edward Hincks.
23. 1 March 1700/01
Certificate registering the house of Ralph Brown of Chester, apothecary, in Eastgate Street, Chester, as a meeting place for non-conformist worship. Signed by Ralph Brown.
24. List of names.
25. 12 May 1701
Sessions: miscellany of court business - including the whipping of Alice [surname illegible] and a notice to the wards of Chester of the intention of the court to levy money from them for the building and upkeep of a gaol in Northgate Street.
The amount to be levied from each of them is also set out.
26. Sessions: list of officers. Mayor - Hugo Starkey Recorder - Roger Comberbach
list of jurors.
27. Writ of VENIRE FACIAS to the sheriffs to empanel a jury of 24 freemen on the 12 May.
Executed by the sheriffs Humphrey Page and Thomas Bawker.
28. May 1701
Sessions: estimate for work to be done at Northgate
29. 26 May
Mary [surname illegible] convicted before Hugh Starkey of swearing.
30. 12 May 1701
Sessions: signed declaration of Hugh Starkey, mayor, to deny the Catholic doctrine of transubstantiation.
31. 12 May 1701
Sessions: signed declaration by Hugh Starkey, mayor, to support the king against Papist invasion from France and defend the succession of the crown according to an Act made in the reign of William and Mary.
32. 12 May 1701
Sessions: list of offenders, their fines, and conditions of release.
33. Presentment by the jury that William Meoles of Chester, shipwright, on the 10 January 1701 assaulted and caused grievous bodily harm to Richard Carsons.
Billa vera.
34. Presentments of St. Olaves Ward.
35. Presentments of St. Giles Ward.
36. 12 May 1701.
Presentments of all persons keeping swine in the Northgate Ward.
37. 14 April 1701
Presentments of all persons selling ale and beer in the Northgate Ward.
38. Presentment of the constable of St. John the Baptist Ward of persons selling ale and beer.
39. 12 May 1701
Presentments by the constables of Trinity Ward of persons keeping swine.
40. 12 May 1701
Presentments by the constables of St. Thomas Ward of unfree men drawing ale and beer.
41. 12 July 1701
Two convictions before Hugh Starkey, mayor, of profane swearing.
42. 12 May 1701
Presentments by the constables of St. Martin's Ward.
43. 12 May 1701
Presentments of the constables of Eastgate Ward.
44. Presentment by the jury against Alice Williams, wife of John Williams, of Chester, for stealing a bushel of malt from Debora Harvey 5 June 1701. [Everything is crossed out.]
45. List of jurors.
46. Writ of VENIRE FACIAS to enable the sheriffs to empanel a jury of 12 freemen to hear the cases of Alice Williams and Mary Whitall on the 16 June 1701.
Executed by the sheriffs Humphrey Page and Thomas Bowker
47. Presentment by the jury against Mary Whitall of Chester for stealing on the ? June 1701.
Billa vera.
48. 12 May 1701
Sessions: order by the court following the presentment of the Grand Jury to prohibit Phillip Wickham, Joanna Mudd, Henry Crane, Reece Thomas, Walter Mason, Peter Horton, John Williams, John Piers, Walter Ryley and Robert Parry, from keeping their respective "common alehouses" without a licence.
49. 11 Nov. 1700
Presentments of the Grand Jury at the General Quarter Sessions.
50. Presentments of constables of the words of Chester.
51. Presentment by the jury against Maria Appleton of Chester for offences concerning a slaughter-house in Common Hall Lane on the 12 Jan. 1701 and afterwards.
No endorsement.
52. Sessions: list of officers - Mayor - Thomas Hand
Recorder - Roger Comberbach.
list of jurors.
53. 10 Nov. 1701
Sessions: Precept to the sheriffs to summon a jury of 24 freemen on the 24 Nov. 1701.
Endorsed executed by the sheriffs William Allen and William Coker.
54. 24 Nov. 1701
Sessions: signed declaration by the same 7 officers named in 52. to deny the Catholic doctrine of transubstantiation.
55. 24 Nov. 1701
Sessions: signed declaration by the same 7 officers in 54. to support the king against Papist invasion from France and to defend the succession of the crown according to an act made in the reign of William and Mary.
56. 24 Nov 1701
Sessions: list of offenders, their fines and conditions of release.
57. 13 Dec. 1701
Sessions: note to the Constable, Church-wardens and Overseers of the Poor of St. Bridget's Ward that Samuel Selby had been fined 2s. for swearing which fine should be paid to them for the use of the poor of the parish.
58. List of names of people from whom others swear that they bought ale.
59. 24 Nov. 1701
Sessions: list of people ordered to be suppressed for selling ale.
60. 14 March 1702
Memorandum of recognizance of William Forster of Leftwich in the county of Chester of £40. and of Ranulf Foster of Leftwich and William Litton of Chingleton of £20. each.
Witnessed by Thomas Lee - Justice of the Peace.
61. Exact copy of 60 [paper of better standard].
62. 9 April 1702
2 convictions, passed before the recorder, of swearing offences.
63. 13 April 1702
2 convictions, passed before Thomas Hand, mayor, of swearing offences.
64. 11 April 1702
Fine of 4s. being paid to the churchwarden for the use of the poor of St. Mary's parish.
65. Undated letter to Richard Adams, clerk of the peace for the City of Chester, from Charles Jackson, requesting him to register the house of the said Charles Jackson as a place for dissenting worship.
66. Presentment by the jury that Mary Prees of Chester on the 13 May 1702 stole 4 reels of fine thread worth 10s. from Edward Hinkes.
No endorsement.
67. 6 June 1702
Notification to Richard Adams, clerk of the peace, from Jonathan Bostocke that he is certifying his dwelling in Bridge Street, Chester, as a place of non-conformist worship.
68. Presentment of the jury concerning offences relating to excise laws.
69. Presentment by the jury that John Davyes of Chester, slater, on 1 May 1702 enclosed and encroached 22 virgates in length and 5 virgates in width of the king's highway in Chester.
Billa vera.
70. 8 June 1702
Sessions: Committal of John Paiges, John Foster and Randle Foster to Northgate Gaol.
71. Sessions: list of officers - Mayor - Thomas Hand
Recorder - Roger Comberbach.
list of jurors.
72. 25 May 1702
Sessions: precept from the mayor to the sheriffs to summon a jury of 24 freemen of Chester on the 8 June 1702.
Endorsed: executed by the sheriffs William Allen and William Coker.
73. 1702
Sessions: register of convictions in offences of swearing in Chester.
74. Sessions: list of convictions in offences of swearing.
Signed: Hugh Starkey.
75. 8 June 1702
Sessions: petition of debtors in Northgate gaol.
76. Presentment of the jury that Jonathan Perket of Chester, labourer, on the 8 May 1702 stole a nine pound weight of lead from John Werden.
Billa vera.
77. Petition to the Quarter Sessions by Anne Walmesley for the discharge of her son from his apprenticeship to a tallow-chandler because of ill-treatment.
78. 8 June 1702
Sessions: memorandum of cases.
79. List of cases involumeving debtors.
80. Inventory of the goods of one Richard Carr.
81. 11 June 1702
a) Sessions: presentment of a number of butchers for slaughtering in their shops, calves, sheep and lambs, contrary to the law.
b) 11 June 1702
Sessions: presentment of Thomas Bannian, Paul Wilcock and Henry Taplye, fishmongers, for offences of forestalling in the market.
82. List of names of 24 jurors.
83. 5 May 1702
Sessions: precept to the sheriffs of Chester to summon a jury of 24 free - men on the 6 July 1702.
Endorsed: executed by the sheriffs William Allen and William Coker.
84. Presentment by the jury that Mary Owen of Chester on the 25 June 1702 stole 2 yards of sheeting worth 5s. from Andrew Boyd.
Billa vera.
85. Presentment by the jury that John Foster, labourer of Chester, on the 3 June 1702 stole 4 pieces of iron worth 10s. from Mary Gerrard.
Billa vera.
86. Presentment by the jury that John Foster, labourer, of Chester, on 3 June 1702 stole boots and a piece of iron from John Legh.
Billa vera.
87. Presentment by the jury that Martha Pickmore of Chester on 1 May 1702 and on days up to the date of the enquiry, 8 June 1702, slaughtered 10 calves, 10 sheep and 10 lambs on the highway in Eastgate Street and within the city walls causing foul smells and a common nuisance to the inhabitants there.
Billa vera.
88. 8 June 1702
Presentment by the jury that Thomas Pale, butcher, of Chester, on the 1 May and afterwards slaughtered calves, sheep and lambs on the highway in Bridge Street and within the city walls causing fould smells and a common nuisance to the inhabitants there.
Billa vera.
89. 8 June 1702
Presentment by the jury that Martha Selby of Chester, widow, on the 1 May and afterwards slaughtered calves, sheep and lambs on the highway in Eastgate Street and within the city walls causing foul smells and a common nuisance to the inhabitants there.
Billa vera.
90. 8 June 1702
Presentment by the jury that Thomas Hearnall of Chester, butcher, on 1 May and afterwards slaughtered calves, sheep and lambs on the highway in Eastgate Street and within the city walls causing foul smells and a common nuisance to the inhabitants there.
Billa vera.
91. 8 June 1702
Presentment by the jury that John Edwards of Chester, butcher, on 1 May and afterwards slaughtered calves, sheep and lambs on the highway in East-gate Street within the city walls causing foul smells and a common nuisance to the inhabitants there.
Billa vera.
92. 8 June 1702
Presentment by the jury that Richard Shore of Chester, butcher, on 1 May 1702 and afterwards slaughtered calves, sheep and lambs on the highway in Eastgate Street within the city walls causing foul smells and a common nuisance to the inhabitants there.
Billa vera.
93. 8 June 1702
Presentment by the jury that Thomas Hale of Chester, butcher, on 1 May 1702 and afterwards slaughtered calves, sheep and lambs on the highway in Eastgate Street within the city walls causing foul smells and a common nuisance to the inhabitants there.
Billa vera.
94. 8 June 1702
Presentment by the jury that Samuel Nichols of Chester, butcher, on 1 May 1702 and afterwards, slaughtered calves, sheep and lambs on the highway in Northgate Street within the city walls causing foul smells and a common nuisance to the inhabitants there.
Billa vera.
95. 8 June 1702
Presentment by the jury that Charles Shale of Chester, butcher, on 1 May 1702 and afterwards, slaughtered calves, sheep and lambs on the highway in Eastgate Street within the city walls causing foul smells and a common nuisance to the inhabitants.
Billa vera.
96. 8 June 1702
Presentment by the jury that William Hale of Chester, butcher, on 1 May 1702 and afterwards, slaughtered calves, sheep and lambs on the highway in Eastgate Street within the city walls causing foul smells and a common nuisance to the inhabitants.
Billa vera.
97. 8 June 1702
Presentment by the jury that Mary Appleton of Chester, widow, on 1 May 1702 and afterwards, slaughtered calves, sheep and lambs in the highway in Bridge Street within the city walls causing foul smells and a common nuisance to the inhabitants.
Billa vera.
98. 8 June 1702
Presentment by the jury that John Hale of Chester, on 1 May 1702 and afterwards, slaughtered calves, sheep and lambs in Eastgate Street within the city walls causing foul smells and a common nuisance to the inhabitants.
Billa vera.
99. An account of debts due to David Preston.
Signed by David Preston.
100. 6 July 1702
Sessions: series of examinations of offenders before the court.
101. 8 Dec. 1701
Presentments of the Quarter Sessions jury.
102. 8 June 1702
Sessions: signed declaration before Thomas Hand, the mayor and Roger Comberbach, the recorder, of 9 persons to deny the Catholic doctrine of transubstantiation.
103. 6 July 1702
Sessions: warrant sent to the sheriffs of Chester and the keepers of Northgate gaol demanding the release of John Kell, debtor, held there by reason of a suit of Elizabeth Bateman, following the directions of the parliamentary "Act for the releif of poor prisoners".
Signed: Thomas Hand, mayor.
sealed: Roger Comberbach, recorder
William Ince and William Bennett - Justices of the Peace.
104. 6 July 1702
Sessions: warrent sent to the sheriffs of Chester and the keepers of Northgate gaol demanding the release of Richard Carre, debtor, held there by reason of a suit of Anne Williamson and James Buttery on 1 Jan. 1701, following the direction of the parliamentary "Act for the releif of poor prisoners"
Signed and sealed: Thomas Hand, mayor, Roger Comberbach, recorder. Hugh Starkey and Williams Ince - Justices of the Peace.
105. 8 June 1702
Sessions: order made by the court following the presentment by the Grand Jury, to prohibit Thomas Lucas, Richard Bowcock, Daniel Reynolds, and Joseph Harding from keeping their respective "common alehouses" without a licence.
106. July 1702
Short list of goods belonging to Charles Darwell and in his wife's possession.
107. 20 July 1702
Sessions: presentments by the Quarter Sessions jury for minor offences.
Signed by 12 jurors.
108. Conviction dates - between 1699 and June 1701.
Sessions: register of convictions in cases of swearing.
109. 8 June 1702
Sessions: signed declaration of allegiance to Queen Anne.
110. Presentment by the jury against Thomas Bannion of Chester, fishmonger, Paul Wilcock of Chester, fishmonger and Henry Tapley of Chester, fish-monger, for offences concerning salmon and mackerel in the market on 1 May 1702 until the date of the enquiry [viz.- doc.8lb.]
111. Precept to the sheriffs of Chester to bring to court Thomas Pale, Martha Selby, Martha Pickmore, Thomas Fernall, John [surname illegible] Mary Appleton, William Hale, John Edwards, Charles Shale, Thomas Hale, Richard Shore and Samuel Nichols for their cases to be heard.
No endorsement.
112. 11 May 1702
Sessions: memorandum that Edward Smith, customs officer in the port of Chester, on the 11 May 1702 took the oath of office before Thomas Hand, mayor and William Allen, both Justices of the Peace.
113. 17 Sept. 1702
Bond of £40 binding Thomas Pale of Chester, butcher and William Willoughby of Chester, brewer, and John Poe to William Allen and William Coke on the condition that Thomas Pale appeared at the next Q.S. Signed & sealed by Thomas Pale and William Willoughby in the presence of Thomas Lloyd and John Lloyd.
Signed and sealed by Thomas Pale and William Willaughby in the presence of Thomas Lloyd and John Lloyd.
114. 17 Sept. 1702
Bond of £40 binding Martha Selby of Chester, widow, and Thomas Fearnall of Chester, butcher, to William Allen and William Coker on condition that Martha Selby appears at the next Q.S.
Signed by Martha Selby and Thomas Fearnall in the presence of Richard Davis and Thomas Lloyd.
115. 17 Sept. 1702
Bond of £40 binding Martha Pickmore of Chester, widow and Thomas Fearnall of Chester, butcher to William Allen and William Coker on condition that Martha Pickmore appears at the next Quarter Sessions.
Signed and sealed by Martha Pickmore and Thomas Fearnall in the presence of Richard Davis and Thomas Lloyd.
116. 17 Sept. 1702
Bond of £40 binding Thomas Fearnall of Chester, butcher and Martha Pickmore of Chester, widow, and Martha Selby of Chester, widow, to William Allen and William Coker on condition that Thomas Fearnall appears at the next Quarter Sessions.
Signed and sealed by Thomas Fearnall, Martha Pickmore and Martha Selby in the presence of Richard Davis and Thomas Lloyd.
[The above list was compiled by Miss Ann Winfield as part of the requirement for the Diploma in Archives Administration, University of Liverpool, 30 March - 2 April 1976]
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