RepositoryCheshire Record Office
ReferenceDDS 12/6
Date20 Jun 1480
DescriptionApud Mynstr'

Parties: 1. Adam Clement of the parish of Mynstr' [Manchester] in the Isle of Thanet (Insula de Thaneto), 2. William Hamond of the same parish.

Witnesses: Roger Synnycholas Gent., Thomas Fowar, John Hardman, Henry Russell, Walter Langton.

Feoffment de capitalibus dominis, with Warranty contra omnes gentes; in 2 acres and 1 virgate of arable land in the parish of Mynstr' [Manchester], whereof one acre is next to a place called le Oldlymepytt between the land of John Hamond junior to the south and the land of John Hardman to the west and north and the pulic road to the east; one acre and one virgate being at a place called Senglinge Crosse between the land of Roger Acombe to the south and west and the land of the heirs of William Fowar to the east and the public road called DunstreteWay to the north.

Mark: None Oldlympytt.
Physical DescriptionParchment: 1 membrane 10½" wide by 4½". Seal: Pendant on label, fragment of red wax.
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