RepositoryCheshire Record Office
ReferenceDDS 4/8
Date20 Jul 1483
DescriptionIn the fest of saynt Margaret in the furst yer of King Rich' the thridde.

Parties: 1. Robart Downes junior, 2. John Parsons junior.

Witnesses: (William Parsons) then mayor, Robet falibrome, Thomas (...)phy(n).

Lease for lives of both parties at a jesse bell at Midsummer, with a proviso for xi.s. compensation for disfeoffment out of term; of "a meyde liing by the bothefyldlawne within the lande meyrs of Macclesfeld [Macclesfield] betwene a parsell of grond Thomas liuersege on the est parte cald the bothefyld and a parsell of grond of the jodys cald hefermidding on the west part".

Mark: C. q. 16. i.R.3. John Parson'
Physical DescriptionParchment: 1 membrane 10" wide by 4½". Seal: Pendant on tongue, brown, vesica 20mm by 17mm, legend + .ADE BYRAN. Device obscure.
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