RepositoryCheshire Record Office
ReferenceDDS 17/22
Date20 May 1518
DescriptionParties: 1. Roger Dovnes of Worth in com. Cestr' [Chester] Esq., 2. Christopher Dovnes his son.

Witnesses: John Sutton' of Sutton' [Sutton], Sewall Worth of Tydryngton' [Tytherington], John Creswall' of Longley, Gents., Reginald Oldefeld de Sutton', Thomas Marler of Macclesfeld' [Macclesfield].

Feoffment de capitalibus dominis with Warranty contra omnes gentes, for term of life of Christopher Dovnes remainder Roger Dovnes and his heirs, upon condition that if Christopher be promoted to any ecclesiastical benefice of the annual value of 100s the estate shall revert to Roger; with power of attorney for entry possession and livery to Reginald Dovnes uncle to Roger, and Thomas Stepulton'; in a messuage, land and tenement now held by Lawrence Wilson of Roger Dovnes in Vpton' [Upton] in the parish of Prestbury in Com. Cestr' [Chester]. Endorsed with a certificate of livery os seisin in the presence of Sewall Worth' of Tydrynton' [Tytherington] Gent, Richard Willot, Lawrence Dovnes son of Roger Dovnes of Worth Esq, William Taylier, John Vnwyn, and Sir Richard Clerke chaplain.

Endorsement: Memorandum of Surrender 25 March 1551.

Transcript;- "Memo: Whereas Roger Downes my brother dyd besto on me Christopher Downes wyth condytion as dowth apeyre wythin thys ded duryng my lyftyme all the landes in Vpton [Upton] now in the holdynge of Richard Wilsonn & his assigns now I confess that god hath sent me Promotion of levyng to the value of one hundred marks today 25th day of March in the vth yere of the rene of oure must drade souerynge lorde kynge edwarde the vith etc".

Latin (both endorsements in English)
Mark: Q.m.13 A ded made to/ Chrystofer Downes 10.H.8.
Physical DescriptionParchment: 1 membrane 9½" wide by 8". Seal missing from label.
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