Description | Apud Cestr' die mattis in quinta septimana quadrigesimo a.r.r. etc.
.....Pleas of the County of Chester; Exemplification of a Recovery by double voucher (Thomas Nedeham and "Thomas Cut") suffered before Thomas Englefild' Esq, son of Thomas Englefild' Kt, Justice, by Roger Downes Esq to Richard Sutton' son and heir of John Sutton' Esq, Sewall Worthe of Tyddyngton [Tytherington?] Esq, John Downes of Ouerton Gent, John Creswall of Longley, William Downes chaplain, per Edward Birkheued (their attorney); in the manor of Worthe [Worth], 17 messuages, 400 acres of land, 40 acres of meadow, 80 acres of pasture, 20 acres of moor and moss etc., in Poynton' [Poynton], Vpton' [Upton], Taksall [Taxal], Stokport [Stockport] and Adlyngton' [Adlington].
Endorsed with a certificate of livery of seisin 27 March same year to Sewall Worth of Tydryngton [Tytherington] Esq, John Downes of Ouerton Gent, John Creswall of Langleley [Langley], against Roger Downes Esq, of the manor of Worth and a tenement in Hepley held by George Wodde, in presence of Lawrence Downes son of Roger Downes, Lawrence Rixton of Poynton' [Poynton], Humphrey Blakshall of the same towne.
Latin Mark Q. 1. 14. A Recovery by Roger Downes Esq in the 12th yeare of Henry the 8th. |