Description | Parties: 1. John Davenport of Henbury co Cestrie [Chester] Esq, and Thomas Stapleton, 2. Roger Downes Esq.
Release of an estate created by Fine levied by the sd Roger Downes to the sd John Davenport and Thomas Stapleton in the County Court of Chester, to the uses specified in the Fine of Roger himself and his heirs; with Warranty contra nos, and power of attorney to Humphrey Blackshaw and John Vnweyn for entry and livery of seisin; in 24 meeuages, 400 acres of land, 60 acres of meadow, 200 acres of pasture, 40 acres of wood, 30 acres of moor, and 30s.10d. rents etc., in Poynton, Vpton [Upton], Taksall [Taxal], Stokeporte [Stockport], Torkynton [Torkington], Adlington, and Bredbury in co.Cestr [Chester].
Endorsed: certificate of levery of seisin 6 January 1551 to Roger Downez of Shrigley [Pott Shrigley] Esq by Humphrey Blacshawe and John Vnwyn attorneys of John Dauenport of Henbury Esq and Thomas Stapleton, witnesses - Richard Thrylwynd, Ralph Renshaw of Pott [Pott Shrigley] chaplain, John Blacshaw, Hugh Wodd, Reginald......, Henry Barlow.
Latin Mark: Q. z. a. 25. 4.die octobris a.4.E.6. / A release from John Davem/port of Henbery and Tho./Stapleton to Roger Downes/ upon the said fyne. |