RepositoryCheshire Record Office
ReferenceDDS 6/42
Date30 Mar 1551
DescriptionParties: 1. Roger Downes of [Pot] shrigley [Pott Shrigley] co.Cestr' [Chester] Esq, Robert Downes his son and heir, 2. William Davenport Kt, John Ardron Esq., John Ward of Capestorne Gent, and John Davenport Gent.

Signed and sealed: Wyllyam Dauenporte K. John Davenport. and two crosses.

Witnesses of sealing and delivery (endorsed): Sir Richard Thrilwynd and Sir Rauf Renshaw chaplains, Humphrey Blacshaw, John Blacshaw, Henry Barlow.

Covenant to create an estate by Indenture before Pentecost next ensueing, in lands (v. infra) to uses specified viz;

1. Use of Roger Downes and his heirs for term of his life, thereafter to use of Elyn Roger's wife for term of her life or of any other woman the wife of Roger Downes, thereafter to use of Lawrence Downes Roger's son and his lawful issue in default of which issue to the use of Dorothy, Katherine, ........, Margaret, Elizabeth, Petronilla, Elyn, Margery, daughters of Roger Downes and the heirs of their bodies;

2. Use of Roger Downes for term of his life, thereafter to use of such person as Lawrence Downes shall have married for term of her life, thereafter to use of Lawrence Downes and his lawfully begotten heirs, in default of which to use of Dorothy, Katherine, Sybill, Margaret, Elizabeth, Parnell, Elyn, Margery, daughters of Roger Downes and their heirs lawfully begotten, in default of which to use of right heirs of Lawrence Downes;

3. Use of Roger Downes for term of his life, thereafter of Lawrence Downes and his heirs lawfully begotten, in default of which to use of Dorothy, Katherine, Sybill, Margaret, Elizabeth, Parnell, Elyn, Margery, daughters of Roger Downes and their heirs begotten, in default of which to use of right heirs of Lawrence Downes.

In lands etc., now the inheritance of Roger and Robert Downes in Poynton, Vpton [Upton], Taksall [Taxal], Stokport [Stockport], Torkington (alias Torkynton), Adlington, and Bredburye (alias Bredbury), co. Chest'r [Chester] disposed to uses as follows:- lands etc., in Poynton and Adlington called the Hall of Worthe with the orchardes and gardens belonging, the Walkers folde, the Gorstye feld, the Rye croft, the Kylnecroft, the litle Heisberne, the grett Heisberne, the Highridding, the Shippon Hill Croftes, the Palefeld, the laugher worth, the Helde, the Pale Medow, the castell felde, the Over Horse gresse, the laugher Horse gresse, the Combwheyn medow, the Crabtrye Flatt, and the Mylne of Worthe, and premises in Poynton and Adlington held by John Leis, Lawrence Hall, Joan late the wife of Roger Wodd, George Wodd, Rauf Merchland, Robert Wodd, Raynolde Gepson, Elizabeth late the wife of George Wodd, Lawrence Wodd, Christopher Greves, which lands are all parcel of the lands which are to be passed in the estate to uses;

1. supra; and lands etc., in Vpton [Upton] called Whitfelde now or lately held by Hugh Holynshed, and messuages etc., of the inheritance of Roger Downes in Taksall [Taxal] now or lately held by Joan lately wife of Homfrey Shalcros, Raynold Turner, Thomas Forth, and John Wod..., which lands etc., are to be held to uses;

2. supra. The residue of all the lands afsd. the inheritance of Roger and Robert Downes are to be held to uses;

3. supra.

Mark: B. b. n. 37 The indenture of Covenant/ betwixt Roger and Robt/ Downes to Certen Feoffeed/ to the use of Lawrance/ Downes and his heirs/ dat the 3. of Mirche in the/ 5 yeare of Ed. the 6th.
Physical DescriptionParchment: 1 membrane, 23½" wide by 11". Seals: Pendant on 2 labels; label 1 both seals missing, label two, one seal missing, the other is red, round 10mm diam, device obscure.
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