RepositoryCheshire Record Office
ReferenceDDS 17/18
Date16 Oct 1551
DescriptionParties: 1. Roger Downes of Worthe [Worth] in com. Cestr' [Chester] Esq, and at his instance William Davenport of Bromhall' Kt, John Ardran' of Hawarden' Esq, John Warde of Capesthorne Gent, and John Dauenport of Chadkyrk [Chadkirk] Gent., 2. Elisabeth Legh' sister of Peter Legh' Kt.

Signed and sealed: Roger Downes, Wyllyam Dauenporte K, John Davenport.

Feoffment de capitalibus dominis by customary services with Warranty contra omnes gentes, in consideration of a marraige arranged between Lawrence Downes son of Roger Downes and Elisabeth Legh', as part of the sd Elisabeth's jointure, for term of life of Elisabeth thereafter to Lawrence Downes and his heirs begotten upon her, thence to his heirs begotten, in default of which to Dorothy, Katherin, Sibille, Margaret, Elisabeth, Pernelle, Elene and Margerie Downes daughters of Roger Downes and the heirs of their bodies begotten, in default of which to the right heirs of Lawrence Downes; with a power of attorney to Thomas Legh' Gent, and Humphrey Blackshaghe Yeoman for entry, possession and livery; in all that party 1's tenement with appurtenances in Vpton' [Upton] called Whytfeld now held by Hugh Holynshed value £5.13.8. per annum, and another in Taxall [Taxal] now held by Joan late wife of Humphrey Shalcrosse, and Christopher Downes value 24s. per annum, and another in Taxall [Taxal] now held by Reginald Turner value 13s.4d. per annum and another there now held by Thomas Furthe on lease yielding 6s. 8d. per annum and another in Taxall [Taxal] held by John Wodnutt value 6s.8d. per annum, and also a messuage and apputenances granted by Roger Downes to the rest of party 1 by Charter 1 April 1551. Endorsed; certificate of livery 3 November 1551 witnessed by Evmo Henr'son, Peter Hey, William Bowne.

Mark B.b.m.36 5 E 6
Further Mark: A feofment to dyuers foffees by Roger Downes vpon the marriage of Elizabeth Leigh wyf to Lawranc Downes mother (?) to the now deceased Roger for her Joynture with Remenderes.
Dat vith of October a.5.Ed.6.
Physical DescriptionParchment: 1 membrane "wide by ". Seals: Three labels, only one fragment survives, red wax, traces of device - a stag.
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