Description | Parties: 1. George earl of Salop by his attorney George Heathcot, 2. Thomas Fytzherbert, Kt., and Anne his wife.
Signed and sealed: G. Shrewsbury.
Certificate of sealing and delivery (endorsed) "at Rufforde" 15th April 1565, 7 Elizabeth, in presence of Fraunces Aston, Robert Bagshawe, Andrew Saunders, Roger Sellers & Rauffe Cotton.
Feoffment in consideration of £240, de capitalibus dominis, with power of attorney for entry, possession & livery; in the manor of Nether Padley in co. Darbie [Derby], and revenues in Nether Padley and Grendleforde, co. Derb [Derby].
Latin Mark: Q:b:2. Nether Padley. from therle of Shrawsby to Sr. Tho. Fitz. |