Description | Apud Macclesfeld die lune prox. ante fest. Sci. Laurentii Martiris.
Suitor: 1. Roger Downes Esq son and heir of Lawrence Downes late of Wurthe [Worth] Esq.
Jurors: Peter Legh Kt deputy for Edward earl of Derby, steward; Thomas Shrigley of Berystall [Beristall] Gent pledge for fine; Ralph Gardyner; Edmund Orme; James Hey clerk of court.
Relief (Fine £6.13.7.) and Admittance into all the lands and tenements formerly held by Lawrence Downes Esq in Pottshrigley [Pott Shrigley], Bollyngton [Bollington], Raynowe [Rainow], Hurdesfeld [Hurdsfield], Sutton cum Wyncle [Wincle], and Ketulsholme [Kettleshulme], value £6.13.7.; except two messuages in Bollyngton [Bollington] occupied by Lawrence Clarke and John Pownall being dower of Elizabeth Downes mother of Roger Downes held by her for term of life remainder Roger Downes.
Franked; Hey.
Latin Mark: Q. z. s. 43 9 Elizabeth the admyttance of Roger Downes/into his Copihould landes/howlden at Maxfelde vpon/ monday (etc) |