RepositoryCheshire Record Office
ReferenceDDS 13/7
DescriptionParties: 1. Roger Downes of Shrigley [Pott Shrigley] co. Cestr' [Chester] Esq., 2. Henry Delves of Duddynton [Doddington] co. Cestr' [Chester] Esq, Ranulph Davenport of Henbury co. Cestr' [Chester] Esq, Geoffrey Shakerley of Byley co. Cestr' [Chester] Esq. (*)

Signed and sealed: Roger Downes.

Witnesses of sealing and delivery (endorsed): Thomas Stanley, Geffray Mottershed, John Stanley, John Ward, Ralph Tattersall.

Feoffment with Warranty contra omnes homines to use of Roger Downes for life then of his heirs male begotten of Elizabeth his now wife then of Frances his doughter and her heirs male and then of Dorothie and Margaret her sisters in order and their heirs male then of the right heirs of Frances; with power of attorney to Thomas Stanley of Staple Inne co. Myddlesex [Middlesex] Gent, Geoffrey Mottershead junior and Robert Sydebothom for entry possession and livery of seisin; in all Roger Downes's manors, messuages, mills lands and tenements etc., in Worthe [Worth], Poynton, Adlyngton [Adlington], Torkynton [Torkington], Taxall [Taxal], Vpton [Upton], Potshrigley [Pott Shrigley], Macclesfelde [Macclesfield], in co.Cestr' [Chester].

Mark:. Q.y.n.61 about 28 Elizabeth for Mr.Downes.

N.B. (*) "Henry Delves of Duddynton, co. Cestr' Esq" is written in place of something else; in line 17 of text the name "Thomas Stanley" appears where Henry Delves should be written. The name Stanley seems to have been originally written and the name of Delves substituted, and in two places the substitution has been omitted one in line 17 referred to and another in the last line of the text where something (presumably "Thomas Stanley") has been rubbed out and the gap has not been filled.
Physical DescriptionParchment: 1 membrane 13½" wide by 9½". Seal: Pendant on label, red, round 17mm diam, device a stag.
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