Description | Parties: 1. Roger Downes of Worth county of Chester Esq., 2. Thomas Stapleton the eldest of Macclesfield county of Chester Gent.
Signed and sealed: Thomas Staipleton.
Witnesses of seling and delivery (endorsed): Thomas Harecourt, Griff. Fludd, George Edwards.
Covenant by Roger Downes to assure to party 2 by reversal of a Fine acknowledged by Downes and by conveyance of muniments a title in all Roger Downes's lands tenements hereditaments in possession or reversion in Vpton [Upton] county of Chester subject to various leases (v. infra), as security for £240 repayable by Michaelmas 1608; and further covenant by Downes to enter into a Bond in £1,000 not to sell or lease the estate premises to a third party. Leases to which the estate is subject;- a lease for 99 years by Roger Downes dcsd grandfather of party 1 to Thomas Stapleton of lands in Upton called White-fieldes in respect of the marriage of Thomas to Katherine Downes daughter of the sd Roger dcsd, and a lease for a term unexpired by Roger Downes dcsd to Thomas Shewell of London of a tenement in Vpton [Upton] called Wilson, and a lease of the said tenement made to Thomas Stapleton eldest son of Thomas the party to these presents, and any other conveyance made since 1 December last by Roger Downes party 1 to Thomas Stapleton the eldest, Thomas Stapleton the youngest, and Thomas Fowden, and a lease for a term unexpired which has not more than 11 years to run by Roger Downes dcsd to Hugh Hollinshed of the field called Whitefielde, all which leases are worth £5. 13. 8. per annum.
English Mark: Q. y. r. 65 38 Elizabeth for Mr.Downes 8. |