Description | Apud Cestr' in com.Cestr' in communi aula placitorum comitatus predicti die lune viz....
Parties: 1. Robert Cryer clerk, Edmund Kelsall Gent, Richard Normansell Gent, Querentes, 2. Thomas Stapleton Junior Gent and Joan his wife, Deforciants.
Final Concord made in the king's court of Cestr' [Chester] before James Whitelocke Kt Justice of Cestr' [Chester] and Marmaduke Lloyd kt the other justice for that county, Fine £40 silver, with warranty contra omnes homines, in 7 messuages, 10 burgages, 4 tofts, 15 gardens, 100 acres of land, 14 acres of meadow, 100 acres pasture, 2 acres mood, 10 acres of gorse and heath, 10 acres of moor and turf, with appurtenances, in Vpton [Upton] and Macclesfeild [Macclesfield] (alias Macclesfeld) together with common of pasture for all beasts in Macclesfield (alias Macclesfeld).
Franked: Cestr'.
Latin Mark: U. d. 4. 20 Jac. pro Werden. for Mr.Downes 10. |