Description | Depositions made before Robert Heath Kt Justice of King's Bench for pleas at the city of York in the same county, by Francis Dakin of Hathersedge co. Derb yeoman aged 66 and Francis Heald of Grinlefourth Bridge co. Derb yeoman aged 76, testifying for Thomas Brushfeild in a case Brushfeild v. Gyre, that for as long as they can remember it has been the custom to pay to the farmer of the tithe the sum of 4s. 10d. a year in lieu of tithe of corn and hay upon a tenement and lands now occupied for 3 years by Thomas Brushfeild lately belonging to Sir Edward Leach Kt in the village of Nether Padley (alias Netherpadley) in the town and parish of Hope co. Derby. Signed; Francis Dakin, Fr. + Heald his marks, - both signatures and the depositions certified same date by (signed) R. Heath.
Latin and English Mark: Q. b. 11 1641 Brushfeild/ v/ ......./ Suggest probat. |