RepositoryCheshire Record Office
ReferenceDDS 4/4
Date24 Jan 1323
DescriptionApud Maclesf' die lune prox.ante fest. conversionis Sci.Pauli. anno dni. mccc vicesimo secundo

Parties: 1. William le Barker of Maclesfeld, 2. William son of Robert de Dounes.

Witnesses: Sir Hamo de Macy bailiff of Macclesfeld [Macclesfield], Jordan de Maclesfeld, Thomas de Astebur', Thomas de Dounes, John slech, Roger de Cliff clerk.

Feoffment de capitalibus dominis, with Warranty contra omnes homines et feminas, in a certain "ofnome" lying in the lands of Maclesfeld [Macclesfield] between le Brode eye on one side and the land of Adam Tipping on the other.

Mark: C; c; 3. Maclesfyld. 15.E.2. Macclesfild. 1322.
Physical DescriptionParchment: 1 membrane 10½" wide by 4". Seal missing from label.
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