Description | N.B. text reads 2 March a.d.1686 and 3 Jas II.
Parties: 1. George Pigott late of Preston and now of Salford Lancs Esq., 2. Edward Cherry and John Jackson of Macclesfeild [Macclesfield] Yeoman.
Witnesses (endorsed): Richard Assheton, Ralph Assheton, John Bullock his mark (I.B.), James Heatley his mark (I.H.).
Warrant for a Surrender to be made in the Halmote of the Manor and Forest of Macclesfeild [Macclesfield] for the Admittance of John Taylor of Bollington Yeoman into a parcel of land in Bollington in the afsd manor and forest lying next to the house of John Taylor and commonly called le Twisting Alley containing about six square perches lately held by one Richard Ouldham and now by George Turner
Latin Mark: None. |