Description | Writ, with two other documents attached to it
Writ of privilege issued from Duchy of Chester, whereby Edward Downes a forester of the forest of Macclesfield is privileged in exemption from liablility for jury service in Assizes or Inquests without the Forest; under letters patent of Edward late King of England. Witness George, prince of Wales, earl of Chester.
Franked: Bootle. Mark: None Duty stamps 1s.
Attachment 1;-
No date (13 June 1620)
Copy (transcript) of Court Roll of Swainmote of Forest of Macclesfield 13 June 1620 (18 & 53 Jas I) apud Macclesfield, before the Rt. Hon. Earl of Derby, Master Forester of the Forest of Macclesfield; being a Nominal Roll of Jurors and Officers of the Court of the Forest.
Foresters of Fee within the Forest;- Edward Stanley Kt., represented by Thaomas Andrew; Thomas Savage Kt., and Bt., by Henry Cherrey; Peter Legh, Kt., by Richard Nickson; the heirs of Edward Fitten, Bt.; the heirs of Richard Sutton, rperesented by Francis Broadhurst; Lawrence Downes Esq.; John Downes Esq., represented by Reginald Downes; John Shere represented by Robert Stanley. Equitator, Regardor, Viridor, and Agistator, William, earl of Derby, represented by Vrian Legh Kt.
Jurors: for Sutton cum Winckle [Wincle], Lawrence Lathame, John Livesley, Ralph Gardener, Thomas Broome, John Jackson; for Bollington, John Shrigley, John Pownall, Henry Meakin; for Pott Shrigley, Richard Echuls, John Normansell; for Ranall [Rainow], William Bower, John Pott de Pole, John Burton senior, John Adshead; for Taxall [Taxal], no names; for Disley, Francis Cottrell, Peter Etchulls, James Swindells, John Hegginbotham; for Ketleshulme [Kettleshulme], no names.
Certified true copy by Edward Davenport, Court of Macclesfield.
An endorsement is an account of expenses incurred in securing the writ to which this document is attached;- tra: petition to the judge 12s. 6d., pd. the Judges Servt to p'sent it 5s. 0d., Attending the judge to get his fiat for the writt 3s. 4d., Making writt & Seale 8s. 8d., Messenger for it from Chester 2s. 6d., Msr. food 3s. 4d. Total £1. 5. 4. (sic) receipted 1 November 1718 by Jos. Potts.
Latin (& English, the endorsed bill of accounts) Mark none. Mr. Downes his Writt of Privelidges in King James 2ds Reign Paper 1 sheet 12" wide by 17"; watermark; worn at folds.
Attachment 2;- A scrap of paper 1 & a half inches wide by 2". (Recto), Cap. Tho(m) Vid(elicet) (Verso). Cap. (Mr) Will(iam) Sur. |