Description | A transcript of 'the old paper' referred to in [DDS] 20/15. (Therein see roads marked *)
(1) Incroached of this lane 4 yeards by Ed. Roe, Tho. Gaskill, Nicholas Blackwall & Myles Willson for Jo Clay (which Clay, may have been Originally Clayton, and is wrote to near the Edge, that a part of the Paper seems to have been wore off.) (2) Incroached by Myles Willson, and Tho. Gaskell 3 yeards. (3) Incroached of this Lane 16 yeards, 7 Roods longe by Ed. Roe. (4) Incroached of this lane 12 yeards by Ed. Roe. (5) Incorached by Myles Willson and John Clayton -- 40 perches. (6) Incroached by James Willson 5 perches.
Note also, that on the backside of this same old Paper is indorsed a Memorand. in these words following (to wit):
Memorand'. that the Coppiehoulders and Tennants in Ketilesholme doe give Consent, and agree that Roger Pott of Churleshead is alowed a way to goe with loaden Horses through a parcell of Land layd out to John Gaskill, the wch. Land is called the Caples Law; and they gave way and consented, there should be one Statute Rood for the same Way. And in Consideration of wch. Way, the said Roger Pott was to suffer the aforesaid Neighbors to have passage through his Lands, as a Bridleway for loaden Horses.
A true Copie Examined By Ben Bowker.
English Mark: None. |