RepositoryCheshire Record Office
ReferenceDDS 30
TitleAbstract from a Deed
DescriptionAn abstract from a deed; transcript of the recital of premises clause of a Deed (p. 1 of text here begins 'All that capital messuage.....', and refers to some previous time 'then or then late in possession of:.....'. No parties given, but the names of Daintry & Ryle are quoted as grantees.

Premises mentioned;-

The Capital Messuage or Mansion house called Shrigley otherwise the Hall of Shrigley, in Shrigley otherwise Pott Shrigley, theretofore in the successive tenure and occupation of Edward Downes the elder Esq., Edward Downes the younger, Esq., John Downes, Esq., and Peter Downes Esq., dcsd., great-grandfather, grandfather, uncle and father respectively of the said Edward Downes the party thereto, and to the abstracting Indenture, and then or then later in the tenure possession or occupation of the same Edward Downes with all the Rights Royalties...... with all the several fields in Shrigley otherwide Pott Shrigley to the said capital messuage called the Paddock Meadow, the Higher Paddock, the Lower Paddock, the Plantation, the Dock Ridding, the long Meadow, the Far Oakeridge, the near Oakeridge, the Crofts, the Orchard Flatt, the yeald Pott Bank, the Warwick Field, the Church Field, the Mill Brow, and the Northwestwardly side of the near over hay containing five acres one rood and one perch of statute measure or thereabouts as then divided and fenced out part of which said closes were in the respective tenure of the said Edward Downes the elder, Edward Downes the younger, John Downes, and Peter Downes, afterward of John Allcock and then of the said Edward Downes party thereto and the residue thereof theretofore in the tenure of the said John Allcock late of William Summerland and then of the Same Edward Downes party thereto. And messuages and fields in Shrigley otherwise Pott Shrigley therinafter mentioned viz;- The field called the Dowd Field theretofore parcel of a certain messuage and lands therein the tenure of John Orme then in the holding of James Bayley. And also all that messuage with outbuildings belonging called Gib Hill and the several closes thereto belonging called the Meadow, the Long Field, the Paddock Field, the Higher Field, the Spout Croft, the Wheat Croft, and Torkington's Field, thertofore in the tenure of Joseph Heaks late of William Summerland then also in the actual occupation of the said Edward Downes party thereto. And likewise all the messuage....and tenements with the buildings.....thereto belonging called the higher castle field, the lower castle field, the hollow meadow, the Gorsty Oak-Ridge, the Great Oake Ridge and the Great Oak Ridge Meadow, thereafter in the holding of John Allen and then or late in also in the tenure of the same Edward Downes, together with the cottage or dewellinghouse theretofore in the occupation of Joseph Beard afterwards of William Brown, and several closes part of Topping's Tenement called Topping's Meadow and Croft. And also a cottage theretofore in the holding of Jeremy .are. And also colses called Wardle Meadows and the School Croft lately in possession of Samuel Hooley and Thomas Allen and then also in tenure of sd. Edward Downes. And also the messuage with buildings thereto belonging and closes called the Barnfield and the Old Schoolhouse croft formerly in tenure of Thomas Broadhurst and then in possession of sd. Edward Downes. And also that parcel of ground containing 2 acres 30 perches as then fenced out and divided from a close called the Dowry Meadow parcel of Birchen Cliff Tenement comprising the southwardly and westwardly sides thereof, and all that other parcel of land caontaining 2 acres 1 perch being the westwardly side of a close called Cophurst Knott parcel of a tenement called Cophurst in the holding of John Hallam, and all that parcel of land containing 2 roods and 20 perches, parcel of Williamson's Meadow, parcel of another tenement in the occupation of Edward Wheeldon and also of sd. Edward Downes. And likewise closes called the Swithy Croft (?rectius Smithy Croft), the Spout Croft, the meadow, the Bushy Field, and the parts, theretofore in tenure of Richard Jones late of John Adshead. And also the messuages with the outbuildings used as a public house and late in holding of Edward Unwin all which last mentioned premises were then in possession of sd. Edward Downes. And also that other messuage of tenement and the several closes called the Barnfield, the Ark Hill Field, the half acre, the well field, the Gorsty Brow, the White Gate Croft, and the Meadow theretofore in the holding of James Unwin the elder late of John Unwin and then in occupation of sd. Edward Downes. And also all that messuage and croft with appurtenances and the closes called the Bard field, the lower field containing one acre 23 perches, and the long field 1 acre 11 perches and then divided theretofore in the holding of Peter Barber. And also all that other messuage or tenement and closes called the croft, the well field, the little Meadow, part of the Bown field containing 4 acres 2 roods, part of a tenement theretofore in holding of James Unwin the younger. And also all that piece of ground lying between the said closes called the Crofts and well field then in occupation of sd. Edward Downes. And also all those parts of the said Closes called the lower field containing 3 acres 2 roods and the long field containing 1 acre 2 roods lying on the westwardly side of the highway leading from Normanshall to Pott Chapel in Pott Shrigley afsd. And also all those three closes called the Jack Gate Meadow, the Far Meadow, and the Pool Tail, parcel of the sd. tenement theretofore in occupation of sd. Peter Barber and then also in possession of sd. Edward Downes. And also all that part of a Close called the Barn field containing 2 roods 39 perches lying on the westwardly wide of the last mentioned road. And all that part of another close called the Cockshut Meadow containing 2 acres which lies in Pott Shrigley afsd. adjoining to the eastwardly and westwardly sides of the sd. highway. And also all that part of another close called the Nook, containing 1 acre 2 roods and 13 perches which lies in Pott Shrigley afsd. which sd. three last mentioned Closes are part of a tenement called Bodens theretofore in occupation of James Browne and then also in possession of sd. Edward Downes. And also all that messuage or dwelling house and tenement called Normanshall with the buildings and appurtenances thereunto belonging theretofore in holding of Thomas Henshaw afterwards of Thomas Snelson and then used as a public house and in holding of Edward Unwin and the several closes to the same belonging called the Pingle, the Barnfield, the Meadow, the Grave, the Cawdow, the higher Meadow, the higher Barnfield, the Calf Croft, the Carey Greenfield, the Blakehey field, the Blakehey Meadow, the Far Blakehey, the near Blakehey, the Blakehey Knole, the Little Rushy field, the Marlpitt Brow, the Great Rushy field, the Great Meadow, and the Ribbon Hills. And also all that close called the Nook theretofore part of the sd. tenement called Toppings in holding of Joseph Beard, all which last mentioned closes were then in possession of sd. Edward Downes. And also all those two closes called the Near field and the Farfield theretofore part of a tenement in holding of Nancy Williamson late of John Hallam and then also in possession of Edward Downes. And also all that messuage, farm or tenement called Ricksons together with the several closes called the Great Meadow, the little meadow, the Barley Croft, the Marled Earth, the common piece, the Intake, the croft, and the Moor. And also all that messuage formerly in occupation of Joseph Snape afterwards of William Summerland together with the several closes called the Meadow, the higher patch, the middle patch, the lower Patch, the Boatfield, and the Moor, theretofore also in holding of the sd. John Snape and afterwards of sd. William Summerland and then in possession of sd. Edward Downes. And also all that close called the Moor, part of Birchen Cliff Tenement theretofore in holding of George Mellor the younger afterwards of the sd. William Summerland and then or later in possession of Edward Downes. And also all that other messuage or dwelling house and tenement with buildings thereunto belonging called Harrop Brow and the several closes therewith enjoyed theretofore parcel of the sd. tenement called the Lower field, the Middle field, the higher Field, Harrop Croft, and Harrop Meadow, theretofore in holding of James Brown then or late of William Braddock. And also all that close called Fernay Knowle theretofore parcel of Birchen Cliff Tenement, then also in holding of sd. William Braddock. And also all that other messuage or dwelling house with the outbuildings there-unto belonging and the several closes called the Grave, the lower hurst, the higher hurst, the croft, Bowden Meadow, and the Longfield, theretofore in the holding of the sd. James Brown and then of George Allen. And also all that cottage with the appurtenances called Williamsons and the northeastwardly part containing 1 acre 1 rood of a close therewith held called Williamsons Meadow and also the northeastwardly part containing 1 acre 2 roods 1 perch of another close theretofore part of Cophurst Tenement called the Bank, all then in holding of Edward Wheelton. And also all that messuage and the several closes therewith held called the Barn Croft, the higher Coney Green Field, the Brows, the croft, the Great Meadow, the three Acres, the lower Coney Green Field, the Far Acres, the Intakes, the Dirty Field, the Wheat field, the Briary Field, and the Clough, all which sd. premises were theretofore in holding of William Jackson and were then in holding of Edward Allcock. And also all that messuage, farm, called Finlows formerly in tenure of James Unwin the elder and then in holding of Thomas Snape together with the several closes to the same called the Church Meadows, the Brookhouse Croft, the Race field, the lower long Lands, the hop pit meadow, the lined Ground, such parts of the closes called yeald containing 3 acres 3 roods 16 perches, and the higher long lands, as lie in Pott Shrigley afsd. And also all that messuage theretofore in occupation of John Swindells and Francis Swindells and two closes therto belonging called the Broom Meadow and the little car also theretofore in holding of John Swindells and Francis Swindells and then in tenure of sd. Thomas Snape, and likewise all that close called the Great Car late theretofore in holding of Joseph Harding and then also in holding of sd. James Snape. And also all that messuage called Potts theretofore in occupation of Charles Cooke and then or late in holding of Peter Brooke together with the several closes called the Calf Croft, the higher meadow, the Higher Field, the Dirty Field, the Old Woman's Meadow, the Moor, the Sheep pasture, the Great Hilly Bank, the Ferney Hole Meadow, the Rushy field, the Lower Meadow, the Brown Brow, the Ferneyhole, the little Elly Bank, the Bakestone Dale, the higher horse pasture, the lower horse pasture, the Far Cote Meadow, the near Cote Meadow, Hursts Moor and Potts moor. And also all that other messuage called Etchell's with the out-buildings and appurtenances and the several closes thereto belonging called the Little Croft, the Great Croft, the Sheep pasture, the Elly Bank, and the Little Meadow, theretofore in holding of Jane Etchells and Thomas Atchells late of Samuel Harding and then in occupation of sd. Peter Brooke. And also all those closes called the Bakes Lane (sic; for Rakes Lane?), the Barn Field, the Higher Barn field, and the seven days wook (=work) theretofore in the holding of the sd. John Swindells and Francis Swindells and then also in holding of the sd. Peter Brooke. And also all those 2 closes theretofore part of the sd.Tenement called Finlows, in the Lee Meadow and the Lee, theretofore in holding of James Unwin the younger and then also in tenure of the sd. Peter Brooke. And also all that close called Jonas's Bottoms theretofore in the holding of John Williamson and then also in tenure of sd. Peter Brooke. And also all that closes part of a Tenement theretofore in the holding of John Holt late of Francis Swindells and then in tenure of sd. Peter Brooke called the Patch, the Smithy Croft, the lower Nicholls Meadow, the higher Nicholls Meadow, the Honge Sheird, the Flash Andrews Fold, Andrews Brow, the long field, Andrews Meadow, the Barn Croft, the croft field, and the Six Acres. And also all those closes called the croft, the Mill croft, theretofore parcel of a tenement in the holding of John Wheeldon then also in occupation of sd. Peter Brooke. And also all that cottage and garden adjoining to the said Mill croft called Wheeldons then also in tenure of sd. Peter Brooke. And also all that close called the Higher Croft, theretofore part of the sd. tenement called Potts then in occupation of sd. Samuel Harding, together also with the several closes formerly part of Etchells tenement called the nearer higher field, the Far higher field, the Great Meadow, the Stock pasture, with the site of a cottage adjoining, and the lower fields, then also in holding of sd. Samuel Harding. And also all that cottage and Croft called Bayleys. And also all those messuages situate near the Chapel in Pott Shrigley afsd. late in respective holdings of Thomas Higginbotham, Edward Unwin, and James Beard and then in tenure of George Unwin and Richard Browne. And also all those parcels of the closes called the Barn Field containing 1 rood 18 perches the Wallet containing 5 acres 2 roods 39 perches the lower Meadow containing 1 rood 35 perches and the Cockshut meadow containing one acre three roods twenty four perches that lie in Pott Shrigley afsd., and also the closes called the Cut Croft, which last mentioned parcels were formerly in occupation of Charles Bradley and were then in tenure of Thomas Bradley. And also all that messuage called Claytons and the several closes thereto belonging called the Great Meadow, the Rough hay Carr and the Little Meadow, theretofore in holding of Robert Cotterall, and then or late in tenure of James Boden. And also all that cottage adjoining the last mentioned premises formerly in holding of John Wheeldon and then in holding of sd. James Boden. And also all that messuage and the several closes thereto belonging called the Barn Croft, the Dam Meadow and the Brow, theretofore in holding of John Holt and then of James Beard. And also the eastwardly part of the sd close called the nearer Over hay containing 2 roods and the southerly part of the sd close called the Far Over hay containing 4 acres 3 roods 30 perches likewise in holding of sd James Beard. And also all that messuage and garden and the several closes called the Spout Croft, the Carthouse Croft and the Meadow theretofore in the holding of John Orme and then in occupation of James Bayley together with the northwardly part containing 4 acres 3 roods 31 perches of the sd. close called the Far Over hay, then also in holding of sd. James Bayley. And also all that cottage with the meadow and croft thereto belonging theretofore in holding of Thomas Wainwright and then or late of Barlow Wainwright and also All that Water corn Mill and Kiln theretofore in occupation of sd. Robert Cotterall with all Waters, Watercourses, pools, ponds, Tolls, Muloture customs, profits and advantages whatsoever to the sd. Mill and Kiln appurtaining. And also all those several other messuages, cottages, lands and hereditaments with their and every of their respective rights, members etc., in the respective tenures or possessions of Thomas Bradley, John Morbury, Moses Snape, the overseers of the poor of Pott Shrigley afsd., Thomas Allen, William Smith, William Jackson, and Ralph Allen. A Chief Rent of £2. 9. 4. from copy-hold lands in Pott Shrigley called Ridacre Farm or other land in Pott Shrigley formerly the inheritance of the Rt. Hon.the late earl of Barrymore dcsd., and afterwards of James Watson Gent. All the coal and coal mines in any of the lands in Pott Shrigley, with mining rights in the same, especially the Loose Level or Drain driven under the lands of John Walker of Pott Shrigley yeoman for the purpose of getting the coal under the messuages in Pott Shrigley called Berrestal and Pott Hall, with rights of way to "the said Michael Daintry and John Byle dcsd." to carry away the coal.

Mark: None.
Physical DescriptionPaper: 11 sheets 11" wide by 16", written one side only of sheets 1 to 10, pp. numbered 1 to 10. Ruled feint, no watermark.
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