Description | A bundle of 13 documents, done up in red tape; miscellaneous papers, financial, and letters and deeds. Letters and deeds calendared here in order of date but numbered according to position in bundle.
DDS 37/9
28 November 1737
Parties: 1. Edward Downes of Worth, county of Chester, Esq., 2. Francis Gatley of Bollington, do., mason, Thomas Tayler & Henry Bann, both of Bollington afsd., husbandmen.
Signed: Francis Gatley, Thomas Tayler TT his marks, Henry Bann HB his Mark.
Witnesses: Henry Davie, Rand. Jannion.
Agreement for lease for 3 years at £4. 5. 0. per annum, of quarrying rights in Stone pits sunk or to be sunk anywhere in an estate called Hardings in Ranow [Rainow], county of Chester.
English Mark: None. Francis Gatley etc: stone/delph of Red Hardings for 3 year/commence March 25th 1738. (p.2) Stone Delph set/Galby Taylor & Bann/28 Nov. 1737 (p.4)
Paper: 1 sheet folded 4 pp. 8" wide by 13", written pp.1, 2; Watermark. No seal.
DDS 37/8
12 November 1753 (27 George II)
Parties: 1. John Downes of Shrigley [Pott Shrigley], county of Chester, Esq., 2. John Williamson the Elder of Shrigley [Pott Shrigley], husbandman.
Signed and sealed: John Downes, John Williamson.
Witnesses of sealing and delivery: Thomas Beard, Jno. Allen.
Articles of Agreement relating to proposed lease by Surrender in manor and forest of Macclesfield, for term of 7 years terminable at Lady Day next after party 1 shall have married, rent £53 per annum, with right of distress for arrears and provisos upon tillage etc., and reserved rights of timber, mining and fishing; of fields and closes part of the demesne lands of John Downes at Shrigley [Pott Shrigley], called the Long Meadow, the Crofts, the Orchard Flat, the Heald, the Warrick Field, the Church Field, the Over Hays, the Mill Brow, Pott's Bank, the Churchfield Brow, the Warrick Field Brow.
English Mark: None. Jno: Downes Esqr./to/Jno: Williamson/Senr:/ Articles of/Agreem't.
Paper: 1 sheet folded, 4 pp. 8" wide by 13", written pp.1, 2, 3. Watermark. Seals: Two applied, identical, red, round 10mm diam., device a bust of a man.
DDS 37/10
No date (late-18th century)
Plan of a dam (artificial lake) to be built in the grounds of Shrigley Hall; shows a lake, grey colour, and a house marked Sigley Hall to the east of it. A compass dial shows North and East. Legend reads "The Intended dam 300 yards in length 8 Yards Deep upon an average the backside to batter 1 yard at a yard the foreside to batter 18 inches at a yard".
Mark: None. Plan of intended/Water at/Shrigley.
Paper 1 sheet 16" wide by 13". Watermark.
DDS 37/12
26 November 1810 From Macclesf'd.
Letter to J.L. Panter Esq., West India Commissrs Office, Spring Gardens, London, from Edward Downes.
Dear Panter,
I take the opportunity of writing from Macclesfd. (of which antient Borough I have the honour to be Mayor) a few lines in the greatest haste to acknowledge the receipt of your letter, & to inform you, first, that I have directed by this day's Post Messrs Birch to transfer to your Acct. from mine £30 with many thanks from my Sister and your obedt. & secondly to say, that poor Mrs. Wilson is going as fast as possible, from a confirmed Cancer in her left breast, which having some time ago begun to discharge, is spreading and exhausting her to a very alarming degree, so that Sarah should be prepared to expect any day an account of her being no more. I fear she suffers a great deal, but she is very patient, & has latterly expressed with much resignation her wish to be released as soon as it may please God. Under the present unhappy circumstances of our house B.D., who is most kindly attentive to my aunt, cannot possibly find time to write, & indeed my Aunt, who does not wish the nature of her complaint to be known, would be curious to overlook B.D's letter, & I really cannot by any means get leisure to correspond with you or any body, as I could wish. I am obliged to be 2 days at least in a week at Macclesfd. but I now never sleep from home. We are all glad to hear that you, Sarah and your young ones are now well, & think you have done very prudently in putting Emily to School. Mr. Starkie will no doubt accede to your plans regarding the House, but were I to advise I should prefer buying also the adjoining half house under the same roof, even at more than that may be worth, as you have your own half so cheap, to building any additions to your present habitation The two together might be a good house, and a valuable property, because one Villa might be built at any time upon the site of both Gardens which would be entire to itself and not overlooked, out of the materials of the two houses & division walls &c. &c. Remember us all kindly to all, & believe me, Dear Panter, yours most sincerely,
Edward Downes.
English Mark: None.
Paper: 1 sheet folded, 4 pp. 8" wide by 9", written pp.1, 2, 3; address p.4. Watermark. Postmark. Seal missing, trace of black wax applied.
DDS 37/11
30 January 1814
North End
Letter from Mrs Sarah Panter to Miss Bridget Downes, Shrigley [Pott Shrigley], near Macclesfield, Cheshire, with post-script from J.L.P. (John Leach Panter).
My dear Sister,
'Tis 8 O'clock, my five children are in bed, dear John is reading a Sermon to our four Servants, I am on guard with my dear Infant; and avail myself of this short leisure to write to you.
We have thought and talk'd much of you and my Brother during the late very severe Frost; Every sunday Morning I figur'd to myself both of you trudging to Church, & kept from freezing on your road by the warmth of your devotion only I have often said I hope Bridget does not hurry out without warm clothing and a good breakfast! I hope she remembers the Cold she caught last Winter! I bag'd John to write to you, but he said I must do it myself I determined to do it but always found something that was necessary to be done; at length, not finding leisure, I have determined to make it in the best way I can, & trust that this hour that I devote to you will not be found an unprofitable one.
I will not attempt to enter into the particulars of my Confinement (that we will talk over when we meet) suffice it to say that I had a remarkably good time, as it is call'd -- contrary to the expectation of every one in this neighbourhood who knew me. My Babe was & is still a very healthy & fine little creature, & I am grown very fat. I Suckle my child & have never had the slightest pain in my Breast since about two months before my Confinement. I hope it is radically Cured. I confine myself and Baby a great deal to my own Room. Emily is a good deal with me, the three little Ones are mostly in the play room with a young woman whom I have in the Capacity of Nursery Governess. I have a very nice girl of near sixteen who waits on me, & assists in nursing under myself. (I do not mean to have a regular Nurse till I find it necessary). Our Gardener & his wife complete our present establishment. Our Children are all in high halth notwithstanding the trying weather we have had. During the period of my Confinement they certainly miss'd Mama a little, altho' they had great care taken of them. Mrs. Wilson was with me the first fortnight & very kind in her exertions. She beg'd to be kindly remember'd to you & my Brother when I wrote. Pray remember me very kindly to all the Brook's, I have a little So..... written by one of the Daughters which I often adm..... I have been too much engaged to try Mrs. Brooke's receipt for Tea Cakes yet but do not give up the intention of doing it. Tell Miss Brooks I have not found time even to net the Tippets yet, but still intend to do them. I think she will laugh, for the song was to be learnt, the Cakes made, & Tippets net, directly I got home -- but home is a place of such regular duties there's not much extra duties to be done. I must now wish you a good night, & remain
Yours most affectionately
Sarah Panter.
My Dear Bridget, Dear Sarah having omitted to send our affectionate regards desires me to do so for her. Will you have the goodness to inform your Brother that I only wait until the bill is again returned from him to write upon the subject of his late remittance. The bankers have passed to my credit as yet only £40. & said the bill wanted some indorsement, for which purpose they had returned it. I have also received on your account £12. 11. 1. making to your credit with me £25. 2. 2. Adieu. Ever Yours
English Mark: None. Answd.10 Febry 1814/sent to Mr P to settle/Mr Sowerbys Account/which account was/settled with him/Augt 23 when at/North End and recd/the Balance/According to the/Annex'd Paper/by me ED.
Paper: 1 sheet folded, 4 pp 7" wide by 10", written pp.1, 2, 3, 4; address p.4. Postmark. Seal, applied, black, oval 18mm by 15mm, device a man's bust.
DDS 37/5
28 May 1814 Shrigley
Copy letter to Mr. John Darcy from Edward Downes
My Dear Sir,
I have the pleasure to send to you herewith forty five Pounds, one year's interest (Income Tax deducted) on one thousand Pounds due Mar. 5th 1814, & beg leave to inform you that I have Mr. Turner's receipt for the annual Assurance on my Life from Mar.15th 1814, to Mar.15th 1815.
I am gratified to hear from several quarters that our Friend Heber's interest receiving flattering support, & therefore I hope to hear that You and the zealous adherents of his cause have good confidence of his success. I have at last had the following official Letter from our common Room dated April 29th, which says "Another canvass having been carried on for some weeks past upon the ground that Sir William Scott is likely to be soon advanced to the Peerage, & in the course of that canvass allusion having been made, as we have recently been informed, to an idea that the Speaker of the House of Commons may possibly vacate his seat at the same time, we think it our duty to inform you, that we have no reason whatever to believe any event of that kind to be in contemplation. Whenever we have any expectation of it we shall take the earliest opportunity of communication it to you, & in the meantime we are confident, that the same zeal for the interest of Ch.Ch. which has been conspicuous upon all occasions, will induce our absent members to cooperate with us in discountenancing any premature canvass". I copy it for your observation, as I feel satisfaction myself in considering it a ...... disavowal of the College having any intention to interfere for or against any Candidate to succeed Sir William Scott.
I shall be happy to hear of the good health of yourself Mrs. Darcy & Family, & remain my dear Sir, Your obliged & faithful friend
English Mark: None. May 28th 1814./Copy to Reverend.John.Darcy/with 45£.
Paper: 1 sheet 8" wide by 10", written one side. Watermark. |