Description | No date (probably late-17th)
Catalogue of muniments, with call marks
Y:a:1 William de Downes of Schriggelegh demiseth to Geffrey his son for 30 years a place calld Dodefeld in Schriggelegh [Pott Shrigley]. 8Ric.2. 1385
Y:b:2 A surrender of several parcels of Land in Pott Shrigley before Piers Legh steward by Geffr son of William de Dounes to the Use of himself & heirs, remainder John del Dounes son of Margt. daughter of Adam the Milner, remainder Richard bro. of Jno & heirs, remainder Geoffrey del Dounes son of Joan Byran & heirs, remainder Elene del Downes & Segrede her sister & heirs, remainder Alice del Downes daughter of Agnes de Worth & Agnes her sister & heirs, remainder right heirs of Geffrey. 16 Ric. 2 1392-3.
Y:c:3 Elene & Margt. daughter's of Tho de Potte surrender the lands in Shriggeley [Pott Shrigley] late their father's, to use of Jno son of Jno Togode & heirs by Emme daughter of sd Tho de Potte, Robto de Dounes prsente. 16 Ric.2 1392-3.
Y:d:4 Jno Togode surrenders same lands to use of his daughter's. 13 Hen.4 1411-12.
Y:e:5 John Hurle surrenders sevrl lands to trustees. 1 Hen.5. 1413-14.
Y:f:6 Richd Plungeon Surredr 5th part of half a third part of a messuage & tenement in Shrigley [Pott Shrigley] to use of Rogr de Perpul. 10.Hen.6. 1431-2.
Y:g:7 Richd Skariot surrenders a house and parcel of land in Shrigley [Pott Shrigley] to use of Reginald Skariot & Reginald Shrigley. 28 Hen.6. 1449-50.
Y:h:8 William Downes son & heir of Hugh Downes surrenders all his land in Pott Shrigley to use of Robt Downes junr. 22 Edw.4. 1482-3.
Y:i:9 The same with the last.
Y:k:10 Reginald Skariot surrenders a messuage & tenement in Pottshrigley [Pott Shrigley] to use of Geffrey Downes Robt Downes of Worth & Sr. Piers Legh. 5 Hen.7. 1489-90. a copy.
Y:l:11 Copy of Court Roll passing several parcels of land in Pottshrigley [Pott Shrigley] to Robt Downes Senr. & other trustees. 8 Hen.7. 1492-3.
Y:m:12 Laurehce Downes son of Rogr Downes Surrenders a tenement in Pott Shrigley to use of himself remainder Rogr & his heirs. 12 Hen. 8. 1520-1.
Y:n:13 Rogr Downes Esqr Surrenders Shrigley Demesne to Geffrey Downes D.D. & others trustees to use of himself for life then to use of his Will. 37 Hen. 8. 1545-6.
Y:o:14 Laur. Downes Senr Gent Surrenders a tenement in Pott Shrigley to use of Rogr Downes of Worth Esqr. 5 Edw.6 1551.
Y:p:15 Rogr Downes Esqr Surrenders a messuage & certain waste lands & a smithy in Pott Shrigley to his own Use for 21 years. 36 Hen.8. 1544-5.
Y:q:16 Rogr Downes Esqr grants to Laur Downes his youngr son a water milne in Pott Shrigley wch he lately purchasd of Edmd Sutton Gent. 6 Edw.6, 1552. To this is annexed a Ire of Attorney from Edm Sutton of London Gent for Jasper Smythe and Humphrey Blackshaw his attorneys to deliver possession of a water milne in Pott Shrigley wch he lately purchased from The Denton Esq unto Rogr Downes Esqr. 2 Edw. 6, 1548.
Y:r:17 Laur Downes Esqr admitted to 180 acres of waste land in Pottshrigley [Pott Shrigley] being his share of the commons there, 20 Jac. 1622.
Z:a:1 William le Barker grants William son of Robt de Downes a parcel of land in Hurdfeild [Hurdsfield] calld Brode Eye lying in length betw the Cokshute & old Mulneford & in breadth between the water of Bolyne & land of .. Tipping. 15 Edw. 2. 1322.
Z:b:2 Rogr son & heir of Rogr Hallowes Surrenders all his land in Hurdsf [Hurdsfield] as to part to use of himself & his heirs & for the rest to use of George Id Strange. 7 Hen.7, 1491-2.
Z:c:3 Rogr Fallowes Surrenders a close in Hurdsfield near Swanneshogh Pool to use of Rogr Downes of Worth Esqr 20 Hen 7. 1504-5.
Z:d:4 Rogr Fallowes Surrenders a parcel of land called Kooheg & another in the Berne feld to use of Rogr Downes of Worth. 21 Hen 7. 1505-6.
Z:c:5 Rogr Fallows Surrenders a close calld Wilkyn feld near Swanneshogh in Hurdsfeld [Hurdsfield] to use of Rogr Downes of Worth Esqr. 23 Hen 7. 1507-8.
Z:f:6 Articles of Agreement for the purchase of lands calld Berecroft & Bernefyld in Hurdesfeld [Hurdsfield] by Rogr Downes Esqr from Rogr Fallowes 24 Hen. 7. 1508-9.
Z:g:7 Rogr Fallowes Surrenders a messuage & certain lands in Hurdsfeld [Hurdsfield] to use of Rogr Downes Esqr. 23 Hen.7. 1507-8.
Z:h:8 A Surrender of the Berecroft & Bernefyld psuant to the Articles abovemencioned (Z:f:6) 1 Hen.8. 1509-10.
Z:j:9 Laur Downes Esqr admitted to 10 acres of waste land in Hurdesfield [Hurdsfield] being his share of the Commons there 2 Car 1 1627.
W:a:1 Rogr Downes Esqr Covenants to Surrender 5 messuages & tenements in Sutton to The Stapleton & his heirs in consideration of 50£. 44 Elis. 1601-2.
W:b:2 Laur Downes Esqr covenants to Surrender a Mess. & Tenemt. in Sutton to Ric Bradshaw & his heirs in consideration of 82£. 18 Jac. 1620.
X:a:1 Jno son of Richd Hardgreve grants Jno Shrigley of Beristowe [Berristall] all his lands in Bollington wch lateley were Richds his father; with a release thereof. 39 Hen.6. 1460-1.
X:b:2 Surrender of a tenement in Bollington to Randle Stanley trustee to use of Frances Downes his niece for 3 lives 28 Elizabeth 1585-6.
X:d:4 Laur Downes Esqr admitted to 56 acres of waste land in Bollington being his share of the Commons. 21 Jac.1623.
X:c:3 Surrender of several parcels of land in Bollington to use of Laur. Downes Esqr & his heirs. 1657. Upton
U:a:1 Tho Stapleton of Upton grants Kathar daughter of Rogr Downes Esqr then wife of Tho Stapleton his son & heir, an annuity of 4 marks to issue from his lands in Upton for her life. 4 Edw.6 1550.
U:b:2. Rogr Downes Esqr & Jno his bro Bargain and Sell to Tho Stapleton lands called Whitfield & all other lands in Upton wch were Laurences his father, for 240g. 38 Elizabeth 1595-6.
U:c:3 Defeazaunce of A Statute Mercht of 1000£ acknowledged by Rogr Downes Esqr & Jno his bro before Sr.Jno Popham Ld Ch Justice of England to Tho Stapleton for performance of covenants in Indentures of same date. 20 May 28 Elizabeth 1586.
U:d:4 A fine of Stapletons lands in Maccl & Upton 20 Jac 1622-3.
T:a:1 Robt son of William le (Conq) & Nicola (.) his wife grant Tho son of William de Dounes all their lands in Ravenowe [Rainow], reste Willo de Dounes junr. Sans Date. (c.1340)
T:b:2 Jno son of William de Hankeres releases to William son of Rogr de Ravenowe all his right to all those lands wchich were William's his father sometime in Ravenowe [Rainow]. 1325.
T:c:3 Tho & Richd sons of William del Ankres release to William son of Rogr de Ravenowe all their right to those lands which were William their father's and Henry their bro's lying near Ravenowe Milne on each side the Water. Witness Hamon de Massy then Custos of the Manor of Maccl [Macclesfield], Tho de Dounes et al. (1329).
T:d:4 John de Bosedon grants Tho his son all his lands in Ravenowe [Rainow] except a place calld Soweker. Testib Sr William de Legh then Bail. of Maccl [Macclesfield]. William del Dounes & al. 2 Ric.2. 1378-9.
English & Latin Mark: None.
NOTE: This doct. is evidence that the various marks in series A:a:1 etc., are the result of some previous organisation of the collection. It appears that the code letters at the head of such marks refer to separate manors or townships in which the family held lands; e.g. Y = Shrigley, Z = Hurdsfield, W = Sutton, X = Bollington, U = Upton, T = Rainow (this T is often crossed and may be read as F). |