Description | Stockport
Dear Sr,
Yo:r Writ of privilege is come, wch: Mr Potts saies he'll speedily send. wth his Bill. It's wrote in a Chancery hand & abbreviated; I therefore thought drawing it out into a legible -hand & intelligible Latine might not be unacceptable wch: you have above written. You must, now & then, exhibit It to yor. undr. Sheriffes & tip 'em half a crowne for their Allocatur wch. entirely, in a short time, 'will' make you Safe & the/ notoriety of yo'r being an officer of the Forest beyond all peradventure or doubt even to any Practiser on the County. My humble service waites on yor. Family from
Stockport, 18°: Decr. 1717
Yo'r. very affectionate humble Servant Hen: Arden
English Mark: (1) 1717 Memorandum of Ed.Dovnes Exemption from Serving as Juryman being an officer of the Foreest of Maclesfield. (2) The Copy of [the] 'my' Writte/ of Exemtion from Juries/ as forrester in for/ Edward Downes Esqr / at/ Shrigley/.. gems willd This |