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Dear Sirs,
Since the receipt of yours of the 15th inst. I have not 'been able to' writ[ten]e to You --- & I am now [almost] 'quite' ashamed to sit down for that purpose. Harrassed by disappointments, thought impossible, in the receipt of money, by demands on me for payments [not] 'as little' expected at this time, & by a general press of toils and trouble almost beyond my ability & patience to go through, I have been obliged to my extreme mortification not only to delay remitting to You, so soon as I hoped I should be able, for what I had already overdrawn, but at the same time to trespass on your forbearance by still further overdrawing. I certainly however now shall not have occasion so to disappoint or trouble you again --- & therefore I take the opportunity of the first moments leisure, Sunday morning to write these few lines [both] 'and with the better confidence' to beg your pardon for all past offences '(beleiving) I' 'can' assure You that I will [endeavour to] make it up to You for them all immediately --- The Dfts. 'alluded to' of which You are not [yet] 'duly' advised are three --- one of the 17th. inst. to James Lowe for 40£ one of the 21st to William Percival for 60£ & one of the same date to Rev'd.J. Hyde for 40£. None of these however I trust can yet have come to hand for acceptance, & I hope they will not, before I have [fully] remitted 'sufficient to provide for [the ] overdrawn &' 'to redeem my Credit' This conveys to You 'in the meantime' a Bill at <1 Mo,>for 52:10:---specially indorsed to Yourselves, of which therefore You need not advise till You receive [by tomorrow's Post such] 'a' further [sum] 'remittance' 'to such amount as I can procure [good] good shortdated' Bills for in Macclesfd 'already bespoke' --- tomorrow---[The] 'Whatever sum shall afterwards' remain[ing Sum] necessary to make our Accounts regular once more You may trust to receiving in 'the course of' a very few posts [after ], as soon as I can procure any suitable Paper, having now nearly Cash enough collected in the House. I remain Dear Sirs, your very sincerely & much obliged Edward Downes. P.S. As I hear nothing of my Lottery Ticket I trust I am yet in the way of good fortune.
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